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By Avery 2011-2012. My Class This is my best year ever! Mrs. Gramentine is my favorite teacher ever.

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Presentation on theme: "By Avery 2011-2012. My Class This is my best year ever! Mrs. Gramentine is my favorite teacher ever."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Avery 2011-2012


3 My Class This is my best year ever! Mrs. Gramentine is my favorite teacher ever.

4 At Work Favorite Subject : Social Studies


6 My Self-Portrait

7 “I Am” Poem I am athletic and smart I wonder how butterflies lay eggs I hear fairies flutter I see myself winning Wimbledon I want a dolphin pee-wee pet I am athletic and smart I pretend I'm an imaginary person in Star Wars I feel fairies dancing on me I touch the fur of a tiger I worry about bad dreams I cry when I have bad dreams I am athletic and smart I understand my parents really love me I say that bigfoot is real I dream of being women’s tennis world #1 I try to make excellent grades I hope my family is healthy I am athletic and smart.


9 My Favorite Books






15 Woof Woof! Woof Woof!

16 A science video conference!

17 Gump Day For Halloween/Gump Day I was Hello Kitty.

18 Charlotte’s Web In Charlotte’s Web, I was Mrs. Zuckerman!


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