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PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE There are teachers’ notes pages behind each slide. To view them: Go to VIEW on your menu bar Choose NOTES PAGE.

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1 PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE There are teachers’ notes pages behind each slide. To view them: Go to VIEW on your menu bar Choose NOTES PAGE

2 PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE There is a lesson flow in the notes section behind this slide. To view: Go to VIEW on your menu bar Choose NOTES PAGE Lesson Flow Slide 1

3 Lesson Seven Befriending the Difficult



6 Stress

7 In what situations do you feel ? stress

8 What happens to YOU when you get stressed? In your body?  In your mind?  In your actions? 

9 Blood flow to muscles increases. They become tense and ready for action Heart beats faster increasing blood pressure and preparing us for peak exertion We may want to urinate or empty our bowels. This makes us lighter so that we can run faster Digestion stops. Blood is diverted from the gut to the arms and legs We breathe more rapidly, oxygenating the blood ready to fight or flee Hormones released that make the blood ‘stickier’ so we will lose less blood if injured We start to sweat profusely, cooling us for exertion and making it less easy to ‘grab’ us! Senses and perception sharpen. Time may appear to slow down What stress does to the body



12 Headaches, feelings of despair, lack of energy, sadness, nervousness, anger, irritability, increased or decreased eating, trouble concentrating, memory problems, trouble sleeping, mental health problems (such as panic attacks, anxiety disorders and depression) Brain and Nerves Acne and other skin problems Skin Muscle aches and tension (especially in the neck, shoulders and back), increased risk of reduced bone density Muscles and joints Faster heartbeat, rise in blood pressure, increased risk of high cholesterol and heart attack Heart Long term effects of stress…

13 Nausea, stomach pain, heartburn, weight gain Stomach Increased risk of diabetes Pancreas Diarrhoea, constipation, digestive problems Intestines For women – irregular and more painful periods, reduced sexual desire. For men – impotence, lower sperm production, reduced sexual desire. Reproductive System Lowered ability to fight and recover from illness Immune System Long term effects of stress…

14 Draw your stress signature

15 I don’t have a saber-toothed tiger … but



18 Turn towards the feelings of stress Allow the feelings

19 Breathe with the feelings

20 In other words…

21 The shockball stands for all the difficult experiences of our lives… or …and the choice:


23 The Guest House, by Rumi your more difficult guests

24 Home Practice – The Practice Promise 10 secs 1 min 2 mins 5 mins 9 mins 15 mins

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