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WHEAT VARIETIES AND PRODUCTION FOR 2008 – 09 Steve Harrison School of Plant, Environmental, and Soil Sciences LSU AgCenter – Baton Rouge.

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Presentation on theme: "WHEAT VARIETIES AND PRODUCTION FOR 2008 – 09 Steve Harrison School of Plant, Environmental, and Soil Sciences LSU AgCenter – Baton Rouge."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHEAT VARIETIES AND PRODUCTION FOR 2008 – 09 Steve Harrison School of Plant, Environmental, and Soil Sciences LSU AgCenter – Baton Rouge

2 Wheat Breeding Web Page SUNGRAINS Web Page LSUAC CMS Web Page Mississippi Wheat Web Page


4 The Wheat Variety Testing System: Steve Harrison Kelly Arceneaux Glenn Schexnayder Statewide Variety Trials Derek Scroggs - Statewide Coordinator - Alexandria Rick Mascagni – Northeast RS, St. Jo & Winnsboro Dustin Harrell - Rice RS - Crowley Greg Williams- Iberia RS - Jeanerette Jim Hayes - Red River RS - Bossier City Steve Moore - Dean Lee RS – Alexandria Boyd Padgett – Macon Ridge RS Don Groth – Rice RS - Crowley

5 Wheat Trial Locations: SOUTH Baton Rouge Baton Rouge Crowley Crowley Jeanerette JeaneretteNORTH Alexandria Alexandria Bossier City Bossier City St. Joseph St. Joseph Winnsboro Winnsboro

6 Factors in Choosing Wheat Varieties: 1.Two-year regional data 2.Nearest location 3.Yield 4.Test Weight 5.Maturity – planting and harvest dates 6.Disease Reaction 7.Hessian Fly

7 How to Choose Wheat Varieties: 1.Make a ranked list of 6-10 based on two-year regional data. List plus and minus for each. List plus and minus for each. 2.Look at one-year regional and local data. Highlight the best 3-4 on your list of 6-10 Highlight the best 3-4 on your list of 6-10 3.Consider availability and cost last. 4.Plant more than one!!

8 Results and Recommendations for 2008-09 North Louisiana





13 WHEAT VARIETIES FOR NORTH LOUISIANA, 2008 – 09 Steve’s top ten: AGS 2060*AGS 2026* Coker 9700Coker Magnolia JamestownLA841 Pioneer 26R87USG3295 USG 3555USG3952 * Hessian Fly Resistant



16 WHEAT VARIETIES FOR SOUTH LOUISIANA, 2008 - 09 STEVE’S ELITE EIGHT AGS 2060*AGS 2020 AGS 2026*Coker 9700 Delta King GR9108Jamestown* Terral LA841Pioneer 26R61*


18 Individual Variety Traits PIONEER 26R61 PIONEER 26R61 PIONEER 26R87 PIONEER 26R87 TERRAL LA841 TERRAL LA841 USG 3295 USG 3295 USG 3592 USG 3592 USG 3555 USG 3555

19 AGS 2060 Excellent yield potential Excellent test weight Leaf and stripe rust resistant Hessian Fly resistant Good availability Little tall Little early

20 AGS 2020 Excellent yield potential Average test weight Leaf rust resistant ? Stripe rust resistant MS Hessian Fly Early heading (AGS2060/LA841) Good availability

21 AGRIPRO COKER 9700 Excellent yield potential Very good test weight Good availability Mid-early heading Little low test weight Some leaf rust ?Hessian Fly ? Stripe Rust

22 AGRIPRO COKER MAGNOLIA Excellent yield potential Good availability Mid heading date Resistant to stripe rust? MS/MR Hessian Fly Fair low test weight Some leaf rust

23 DELTA KING GR9108 Excellent yield potential One day later than LA841 Good availability Little low test weight Some leaf rust ?Hessian Fly

24 PIONEER 26R61 Good yield potential Excellent test weight Mid-early, stable heading date Good availability Stripe rust resistant Hessian Fly resistant Some leaf rust Competitive yield

25 PIONEER 26R87 Good yield potential (north LA) Excellent test weight Mid-late heading date Good availability Stripe rust resistant Some leaf rust susceptibility Hessian Fly susceptible

26 TERRAL LA841 Excellent yield potential Broadly adapted Mid-early, stable heading date Excellent availability Leaf and stripe rust resistant Mod-susceptible to Hessian Fly

27 Terral LA482 Excellent yield potential Resistant to Stripe rust Little low test weight Susceptible to some leaf rust races Very early heading, responds to temperature late-planted, high management north Louisiana, double-cropped

28 USG 3295 Excellent yield potential Good test weight Later heading date (North LA) Resistant to Stripe Rust Little low test weight Susceptible to Hessian Fly

29 USG 3555 Good yield potential Excellent test weight Later heading date Hessian Fly resistant Little low test weight Susceptible to Hessian Fly ?? Stripe rust

30 USG 3592 Excellent yield potential Good test weight Late heading date but did well in SOLA Susceptible to stripe rust Susceptible to Hessian Fly

31 Oats for Louisiana:


33 The Lord willing and weather permitting, we can all do well again this year

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