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AxiUm. The student should have the following screen opened in Axium. It is the ELECTRONIC DENTAL CHART. All items in BLUE are unapproved items. All items.

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Presentation on theme: "AxiUm. The student should have the following screen opened in Axium. It is the ELECTRONIC DENTAL CHART. All items in BLUE are unapproved items. All items."— Presentation transcript:

1 axiUm

2 The student should have the following screen opened in Axium. It is the ELECTRONIC DENTAL CHART. All items in BLUE are unapproved items. All items in BLACK are approved items.

3 All completed procedures and clinical notes must be approved by floor faculty – NO EXCEPTIONS!! This is done ELECTRONICALLY by “SWIPING” the approval with your USC ID Card

4 FIRST – Make sure the student has completed entering the procedure code AND/OR clinical notes. If you see the window shown above, the chart is in DATA ENTRY mode for General Notes. Swiping from this window will enter whatever is encoded in the back of your swipe card. Make sure the student clicks on the ADD NEW or MODIFY button first in order to complete the entry.

5 Make sure the student clicks on the ADD NEW or MODIFY button FIRST to finish data entry

6 Once the student has completed data entry the NOTE and/or PROCEDURE CODE will appear in blue in the dental chart. THIS is what YOU will be approving. Once ready to approve, you will minimize the Chart History screen by clicking on the “X” in the menu bar

7 The resulting screen is the Dental Chart Main Screen. You will click on the CHECK OUT button. If there are any items that require approval, this button will be aqua in color

8 The PATIENT CHECK-OUT window will appear. Highlight the items you want to approve by clicking on each item. The selected items will turn BLUE. To select more than one item, press and hold the CTRL key and click on the other items you wish to select.

9 Use your faculty card and swipe through the swiper attached to the PC Make sure the magnetic stripe in the back of your card is facing the green light on the swiper

10 If you are approving Clinical Notes, the Note will come up once again after you swipe for a final review

11 One more swipe and all the items on the APPROVE list, including the NOTE, are all BLACK


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