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Developing & Implementing Master Bike & Pedestrian Plans Heleen Dewey Spokane Regional Health District March 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing & Implementing Master Bike & Pedestrian Plans Heleen Dewey Spokane Regional Health District March 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing & Implementing Master Bike & Pedestrian Plans Heleen Dewey Spokane Regional Health District March 2010

2 Objective Involve transportation, planning and public health in the development of master bike and pedestrian plans

3 Public Health & Planning A story


5 About Spokane

6 2008 Spokane County population 459,000 (estimate) City of Spokane largest jurisdiction at 204,400 Our health and activity level? 60% of County residents overweight or obese Fewer than half of all adults and children get recommended levels of physical activity

7 2006 Non-Motorized Transportation Study Average commute is a half-mile for walkers and 1½ for bikers 1% of trips by bike (2% nationally) 9% of trips by walking (same as nation) 42% of children are driven [1] Nonmortorized Transportation Pilot Program Evaluation Study. University of Minnesota. 2007. Communities surveyed: Marin County, CA; Minneapolis, MN, Sheboygan, WI, Columbia, MO, and Spokane, WA

8 How Spokane got started… 2004 -$3500 annual grant for 5- years from WSDOT/WSDOH in cooperation with CDC Co-facilitated by Spokane Regional Health District and City of Spokane Task Force made up of professionals, advocates, and agency representatives Facilitated a series of events/workshops Educated elected officials

9 Active Living Symposium Education on connecting public health and planning specific to our community Outcomes: City of Spokane Plan Commission reviews Comprehensive Plan for healthy community policies Illustrated then Councilwoman Verner’s 2007 Quality of Life resolution

10 Connecting the City Generate ideas and support to develop a stronger non-motorized plan within the City of Spokane Identify priority projects and effective policy/regulatory intervention Existing plan not implemented and needed updating Lack of clarity in non-motorized transportation planning (funding, RTPO involvement, priorities) More communication/collaboration among different user groups

11 Outcome of Workshop Enforce development standards Bike/Pedestrian coordinator Impact fees Bike boulevards Stripe streets Route across river Sidewalks Fill gaps Need pedestrian plans

12 Spokane Regional Pedestrian Plan 3-year DOH Preventative Health Block Grant Focus to incorporate physical activity policies into community pedestrian planning documents – First year Regional; Guidance document provided by Spokane Regional Transportation Council. – City of Spokane planning – Smaller jurisdictions in the county – Complete Streets education

13 Pedestrian Plan - Process Included a community process with multiple agencies Analyzed current data Surveyed residents Surveyed planners/engineers in jurisdictions Draft plan in a team approach

14 Residents Survey Barriers to pedestrian travel: Lack of crosswalks No sidewalks, sidewalks in disrepair, gaps and snow removal needed Lack of lighting Poor driver behaviors School issues, too much traffic near schools and moving too fast thru neighborhoods

15 Planner Engineer Survey Barriers to implementing pedestrian facilities: Inadequate funding Lack of staffing and training Lack of pedestrian inventory/network Lack of understanding of health & economic benefits of walking Consideration for disabled users


17 GOAL 1: Support all levels of pedestrian travel by developing plans, projects, and programs

18 GOAL 2: Design & implement changes in the infrastructure to increase pedestrian safety and connectivity

19 GOAL 3: Support the planning, funding, & public knowledge of integrated networks of paved pedestrian paths that serve as an alternative to roadways & facilitate non-motorized travel to and through neighborhoods, shopping, parks, schools, & transit accessible areas.

20 GOAL 4: Improve actual & perceived pedestrian safety & security

21 GOAL 5: Support all pedestrian travel to improve physical health & slow obesity & chronic disease

22 GOAL 6: Pursue funding to maintain, enhance & expand pedestrian facilities.

23 GOAL 7: Increase the number of school children who walk to school by 2% from 26% to 28%

24 Other key public health recommendations Regionally significant project list Complete street policies Functional trail connections Support transit use & linkages to transit

25 Insights Understanding each other’s goals, needs, strengths Clearinghouse Quiet catalyst – could seed the project, didn’t have to own it Capacity – education, outreach, new Ideas Unintentional succession plan Timing – health, smart growth, gas prices, sustainability, economics/market demands, political climate, grassroots Another face for funding requests Rediscover the connections between planning and public health

26 Next steps… Quiet Catalyst - partnerships – YMCA Pioneering Healthier Communities – SmartRoutes 2010 – Lands Council Complete streets resolution – Board of Health Active Technical Transportation Committee Health impact assessment training Active Living Leadership Elected officials


28 Heleen Dewey Physical Activity & Nutrition Program 509-324-1555

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