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Classification Study Guide 1. The table below gives both the common and scientific names of five Georgia vertebrates. Identify the genus and species epitaph.

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Presentation on theme: "Classification Study Guide 1. The table below gives both the common and scientific names of five Georgia vertebrates. Identify the genus and species epitaph."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification Study Guide 1. The table below gives both the common and scientific names of five Georgia vertebrates. Identify the genus and species epitaph for the white perch. Genus=Morone, Species epitaph=americana 2. Which part of the scientific name would tell how closely related these organisms are? The Genus 3. In most plants the function of root cells is to absorb water and minerals VertebrateCommon NameScientific Name Awhite perchMorone americana Bgrass pickerelEsox americanus Cvarying hareLepus americanus DAmerican toadBufo americanus EmuskellungeEsox masquinongy

2 Classification Study Guide 4. Organisms that survive without oxygen are Anaerobic 5. What type of organisms lack a respiratory system and exchange respiratory gases through thin, moist membranes? bacteria, protists, and fungi 6. If you blocked structures called spiracles in most insects, you would be blocking their ability to exchange gases 7. If we classify an organism by the presence of cilia, flagella, and pseudopods or by their nonmotility. This classification method would be based on their means of Locomotion 8. The germination of a seed requires sufficient moisture and proper temperature

3 Classification Study Guide 9. Know the location of the stamen (male part), pistil (female part), and ovary (seeds made) of a flower. Page 188 in your INB. 10. HIV that causes AIDS is a pathogenic microbe & has an organized structure but does not reproduce independently, or have growth and development, therefore it’s a virus 11. Organisms that have a nucleus and a flagella or cilia and are microscopic, can be found in which kingdom? Protista

4 Classification Study Guide 12. Organisms are living and have no nucleus or membrane bound organelles, and live in the stomach of a termite or near hydrothermal vents are found in which kingdom? Archaebacteria 13. Name the levels of classification from the most broad to specific. kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species 14. Name the 6 kingdoms. Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, Archaebacteria, and Eubacteria 15. Organisms in the phylum Chordata have vertebrae/spine

5 Classification Study Guide 16. The dichotomous key can be used to classify each of the four animals represented below. Which two groups would the ant belong in? Groups A & D 17. Organisms that are known for the ability to break down organic matter would be bacteria and fungi Dichotomous Key I wings………………. go to II no wings…………… group A II feathers……………. group B no feathers………… go to III III two legs……………. group C six legs…………….. group D

6 Classification Study Guide 18. Organisms that cannot reproduce independently are nonliving 19. Stopping the production of proteins would most effect Ribosomes 20. All living things on Earth must maintain _____________________ _____________________ and have DNA in different ________________. Internal stability/homeostasis, sequences 21. Most scientists believe life started with simple, single-celled prokaryotes 22. The difference between complete and incomplete metamorphosis is complete metamorphosis: has 4 stages; egg, larva, pupa, and adult, incomplete metamorphosis has 3 stages: egg, nymph, and adult. 23. The largest invertebrates live in the sea because the water supports them

7 Classification Study Guide 24. Know the difference between a tap root and fibrous root, INB P. 188. Tap Root Fibrous root 25. Over time organisms evolved from a common ancestor. The process that explains why they have different characteristics is biological adaptation 26. Feathers, wings, and the hollow bones of birds are examples of adaptations for flight 27. _______________is no symmetry,________________symmetry has one plane of symmetry, ____________ symmetry has many planes of symmetry. Asymmetry, bilateral, radial

8 Classification Study Guide 28. All living things are made up of one or more Cells 29. Circle the osprey and draw a square around Baird’s sparrow. You would circle the 3 rd bird to the right and square the 4 th bird to the right. 1a 1b beak longer than head…… go to 2 beak shorter than head….. go to 3 2a 2b streaked feathers…………. dunlin nonstreaked feathers…….. black skimmer 3a 3b hooked beak………………. go to 4 nonhooked beak………….. Baird’s sparrow 4a 4b stripe on head…………….. osprey no stripe on head…………. bald eagle

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