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Food glorious food Malmesbury School Internationalised Learning Project.

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1 Food glorious food Malmesbury School Internationalised Learning Project

2 Aim Develop a planned series of lessons on the common theme of food which would enable us to explore the international dimension with the same group of Year 8 students. Develop links with the lives of children in our partner schools. To utilise group work and develop students image interpretation, empathy and linguistic skills. To improve our teaching through peer coaching To link with Fairtrade Fortnight.

3 Lesson planning Used Oxfam poster as the initial staring point – What’s your favourite food? To connect with previous Geography work on global warming and faculty and school development plan targets of improving global dimension and exploring other cultures. To connect with Languages Year 8 work on food. To work collaboratively on a scheme of work.

4 Lesson 1- What’s your favourite food? Teacher led with whiteboard activities What is your favourite food? – explored the variety and international flavour of their favourite foods Oxfam poster –what foods do you have in common? Link to partner schools. Food is common to our sense of identity and culture –did they all write down the same things when given special days/events? What is our national dish? Fish and chips or chicken tikka masala? Why had British attitude to diet changed over the last 40 years? – 4 images to prompt discussion of the reasons behind this. Make international links. Listened to food stories extract from the British Library web site –would you have liked this diet? Return to poster –which diet would you like best?

5 Lesson 2- what foods do we typically eat? Teacher led with language re- enforcement exercises. Images of partner school and towns – what do these places have in common? What foods are eaten in each country? Students asked for what they typically eat each day. Team work competition – ‘Pour le petit dejeuner je prends’. Listen and learn. Match to images. Survey in French your table’s eating habits. Next lesson we will find out what our partner schools students eat

6 Lesson 3 – Food from around the world? Introduction to trade and food miles issue followed by dilemma – group work Christmas dinner where did it come from? World images from www.yourclimateyourl – how far did it travel? How did it get here?Why do we consume so much food from abroad?

7 Dilemma based learning exercise – students assigned roles and asked to come up with solutions You work for a major supermarket as an under-manager. You get a bonus when your company does well. Your supermarket claims that it has slashed the prices of all its Christmas foods in order to make greater sales. To do this they have imported more food from farmers in less developed countries (poorer) where labour and land are cheaper. You have recently become increasingly worried about global warming and last Sunday you read this news article about food miles. You are a single parent and money is tight so you have to decide whether to buy food from your supermarket or do your Christmas food shopping at a rival supermarket. Review solutions and the process of decision making. Solutions - Online shopping, only buying fairtrade products from abroad, switch supermarkets to one which trades locally grown food. Review their group work contributions

8 Lesson 4 – Food from around the world Aim to sharpen language skills by looking for cognates and commonalities Worked in teams to research the English words for the foods submitted from our partner schools as their everyday foods. Rainbowed into groups of 3. Using IT asked to construct a multilingual dictionary Nanhai Zaofan 6.30 – 7.10 Niunai Jidan Baozi Miantiao Cha Wufan 11.30 – 12.20 Juanxincai Zhurou Niurou Cha Wanfan 5.30 – 6.30 Cai Jirou Yangrou Cha 1.What’s the Chinese word for a meal? 2.What’s meat in Chinese? 3.How do you say pig/sheep/cow in Chinese?

9 Multi lingual dictionary example Excel spreadsheet

10 Evaluation Positive evaluations on the review sheets from students on the dilemma based learning lesson. Made sound judgements on their participation levels. Students commented on how their awareness of other cultures had improved – particularly the similarities between children’s favourite foods and also their understanding of how we are interrelated by food trade and how difficult it is to make consumer decisions. Both lesson3 and 4 worked on improving their teamwork skills Languages should find ways of getting students to draw on their own prior knowledge. Humanities needs to find ways of using reflection on learning and re- enforcement activities more often. Extension presentations on food habits in partner schools– festival food – a consideration of culture and language. Development compass rose to explore who has power in the food chain e.g. South African wine and fruit. Role play potential.

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