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Glorious Things Spoken of Zion Psalm 87. Background A psalm praising God for His care of His holy city. OF the sons of Korah Time of psalm unknown.

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Presentation on theme: "Glorious Things Spoken of Zion Psalm 87. Background A psalm praising God for His care of His holy city. OF the sons of Korah Time of psalm unknown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glorious Things Spoken of Zion Psalm 87

2 Background A psalm praising God for His care of His holy city. OF the sons of Korah Time of psalm unknown

3 Background Possibly after victory over Assyria (2 Kn. 18-19, 2 Chron. 32, Isa 37) City established awhile Spectacular deliverance Nations mentioned Other cities fells (vs. 2, cf. 2 Kn. 18:13)

4 Glorious Things Spoken (1-3) Foundation in the mountains - many “mountain scenes” demonstrate God’s greatness (Ararat, Sinai, Pisgah, Ebal & Gerazim. Carmel, NT – Transfiguration, beatitudes, etc.)

5 Glorious Things Spoken (1-3) “The Lord Loves the Gates of Zion” Zion reference to literal city of David - 2 Sam. 5:7, 1 Kn. 8:1 2 Kn. 19:21, 31 - Syria would not breach the walls of Jerusalem

6 Glorious Things Spoken (1-3) “Zion” Jerusalem, the “city of God - (vs. 3) The place where tabernacle rested, and the temple was built. Many victories recorded in her history. Her “harlotries” led to her downfall

7 Glorious Things Spoken (1-3) “Zion” The word is used to describe God’s chosen people, the remnant - Isa. 2:2-3 Psalm 2:6 Isa. 52:7, 59:20, 60:14 Zechariah 8:2-3

8 Glorious Things Spoken (1-3) OF this city Loved more than all the dwellings of Jacob (2) Glorious things are spoken of you! Her history is splendid O city of God! (3)

9 Greater than others (4-6) These verses – either physical acknowledgment of Zion’s greatness, OR a future realm in which all nations flow to her OR both!

10 Greater than others (4-6) (4) Numerous nations mentioned – prominence and at some point oppressed Judah Rahab (Egypt) – Isa. 51:9 Babylon – Marduk Philistia – Dagon Tyre – Baal, Jezebel Ethiopia – followed Egypt

11 Greater than others (4-6) (4) “I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to those who know Me.” NKJV KJV (‘them”) “I shall mention Rahab and Babylon AMONG those who know Me” NASU “I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon AS AMONG them that know Me.” ASV

12 Greater than others (4-6) (5-6) “Of Zion it will be said…” The acknowledgment of other nations of God’s favor of His people born in Zion “The Lord will record…” (vs. 6), cf. Phil. 2:9-11, Rom. 14:11, Isa. 45:23 It is a blessing to be born in His kingdom!

13 Singers and players say (7) “All my springs…” The source of life – He gives life and sustains us. Mention of singers and players – rejoicing! Something ALSO found in the Lord!

14 Is the “City of God” in your life?

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