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Vocabulary PowerPoint. Studio A studio is an artist’s workshop. Painters paint and potters make pots there.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary PowerPoint. Studio A studio is an artist’s workshop. Painters paint and potters make pots there."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary PowerPoint

2 Studio A studio is an artist’s workshop. Painters paint and potters make pots there.

3 Studio – artist’s workroom

4 Glorious Fine arts, such as collage and painting, are stunning, glorious forms of expression.

5 Glorious - wonderful

6 Feast A photographer took a picture of this delicious feast full of food.

7 Feast – large meal

8 Streak In this lively artwork, some colors seem to streak across the painting.

9 Streak – to move quickly

10 Yanked The girl must have accidently yanked, or pulled, the base from the vase.

11 Yanked – pulled hard

12 Schedule Some artists stick to a regular schedule, or timetable, as they work.

13 Schedule – a set time for things to happen

14 Concerned This photographer is concerned, or worried, that the penguin will move.

15 Concerned - worried

16 Ruined This handmade pot was perfect at first, but then it collapsed and became ruined.

17 Ruined - destroyed

18 Model As they design a building, architects may create a small, model version.

19 Model – small copy or version

20 Smeared Paint may be lightly dabbed or thickly smeared onto a surface.

21 Smeared – messy or blurry

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