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Re-Establish Monarchy, Parliament, Entertainment Charles II (Son of Charles I)  “Merry Monarch”  “Publicly Protestant”  “Dirty Little Secret  Catholic.

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Presentation on theme: "Re-Establish Monarchy, Parliament, Entertainment Charles II (Son of Charles I)  “Merry Monarch”  “Publicly Protestant”  “Dirty Little Secret  Catholic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Re-Establish Monarchy, Parliament, Entertainment Charles II (Son of Charles I)  “Merry Monarch”  “Publicly Protestant”  “Dirty Little Secret  Catholic 1661 Clarendon Codes  re-establish Church of England  1672 Test Actexclude anyone from public office who was not a member of Church of England  1678 banned Catholics from Parliament

2 Exclusion Bill  attempt to prevent James II from becoming king WHIGS opposed to James II TORIES supported James II by “ hereditary succession ” 1678 Popish Plot  attempt by Jesuits to assassinate Charles II and put James II on throne  James II was a “proud Catholic”  led to Exclusion Bill

3 HABEAS CORPUS BILL prisoner must be brought before a judge and charged or released – You could not be put in jail without first being charged of a crime Whigs agreed to allow James II to become king by signing this  feared strong king  wanted protection against unfair arrest Tories offered a compromise

4 1687Declaration of Indulgences lifted laws against Catholics English upset but waited patiently  Mary (daughter from 1 st wife) was heir to English throne  Protestant

5 Oh CRAP! 1688James II had son with 2 nd wife  by law he would be next monarch  Feared he would be CATHOLIC 1688Parliament asked William and Mary to overthrow James II  James fled without any bloodshed  GLORIOUS REVOLUTION  BLOODLESS REVOLUTION

6 “Glorious” Revolution Whigs and Tories offered the throne jointly to William and Mary  Protestants  enemy of Louis XIV of France  Ruled with Parliament in a Limited, Constitutional Monarchy

7 ENGLISH BILL OF RIGHTS (1689) 1)Superiority of Parliament over the monarchy 2)Required Monarchs to regularly call Parliament 3)House of Commons given “Power of the Purse” 4)Monarchs no longer suspend laws 5)Upheld citizens rights  trial by jury, abolished excessive fines, abolished cruel/unjust punishment, affirmed Habeas Corpus **SERVED AS MODEL FOR U.S. BILL OF RIGHTS

8 GROWTH OF CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT Act of Succession (1701) No Catholic could become king Act of Union (1707) u nited England and Scotland Catholic Emancipation Act (1829) Catholics allowed back into Parliament Cabinet Advisors King George I (German) – spoke no English Prime Minister – “head of Cabinet” leader of majority in House of Commons in time, became more powerful than monarch

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