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ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 1 Contribution to the development of a European.

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Presentation on theme: "ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 1 Contribution to the development of a European."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 1 Contribution to the development of a European Space Exploration Strategy First roundtable discussion ESTEC, 9 March 2005 Division of Ethics of Science and Technology

2 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 2 UNESCO and Space Ethics of Outer Space Programme Space Education Programme Disaster Management System

3 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 3 UNESCO and Ethics Bioethics Environmental ethics Science ethics Ethics of outer space Ethics Education programme Global Ethics Observatory Ethics Around the World

4 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 4 UNESCO and Ethics: Bioethics International Bioethics Committee, Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee, Interagency Committee on Bioethics Universal Declaration on Human Genome and Human Rights – 1997 International Declaration on Human Genetic data – 2003 Declaration on universal norms in Bioethics – 2005?

5 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 5 UNESCO and Ethics: Environmental ethics World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) Recommendations on Fresh Water and Energy (2001) Towards a Declaration on ethical principles for a sustainable use of the environment (2009)

6 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 6 UNESCO and Ethics: Science Ethics COMEST Towards a code of ethics for scientists? (2009) –The World Conference for Science – 1999 –The concern on terrorism – 2001 –Feasibility study – 2007?

7 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 7 UNESCO and Ethics: Ethics of Outer Space Recommendations of COMEST and Pompidou report (1999/2001) Development of ethics of outer space both as a scientific discipline and civic discourse Involvement of the space and academic communities Emphasis on awareness-raising and education both within and outside the space community Non feasiblity of an international instrument

8 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 8 UNESCO and ESA ESA initiated the work of COMEST on space and co-published the Report « The ethics of space policy » (1999) Symposium on Astronauts – 25 October 2004 Ethical Working Group on Planetary Protection and Exobiology – Since May 2004

9 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 9 Ethical Issues about Space Exploration A subject of public debate A pioneering mind? What for? The exploitation scenario Extraterrestrial ecologism Extraterrestrial bioethics Intellectual property For whom? Do astronauts have a life? A new human habitat?

10 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 10 Ethics of Space Exploration: for a Public Debate Space exploration is of concern to everyone because of: –Its costs –Its risks –Its benefits –Its phantasy

11 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 11 Ethics of Space exploration: A pioneering mind? The human adventure: from Africa to the Moon Limits of this notion –Are great discoveries such a glorious example? –Emptiness of space –Limits of the earth

12 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 12 Ethics of Space Exploration: To What Purpose? The glorification of the pionneering mind does not seem sufficient… … But is the scientific research the only motive and interest? –The American example allows to question this view –The Keynesian effect

13 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 13 Ethics of Space Exploration: the Exploitation Scenario The legal quarrel about exploitation What would be the economic rationale? –Natural resources –Some room –Ways to exploit celestial bodies: for production, tourism, scientific research? –Using local life?

14 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 14 Ethics of Space Exploration: Extraterrestrial Ecologism How should we treat ET life? Use of environmental ethics principles: –Precautionary principle –Respect for life –Burden of proof principle The idea of a moratorium and the possibility of an isolation

15 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 15 Ethics of Space Exploration: Extraterrestrial Bioethics Genetic engineering in microgravity will raise specific issues What about possible genetic ET material? (Jurassic Park meets E.T.!) Genetic selection of astronauts

16 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 16 Ethics of Space Exploration: Intellectual Property Innovation in outer space: foreseeable issues Scientific discoveries on celestial bodies – existing guidelines may not be sufficient The issue does not concern civil servants but…

17 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 17 Ethics of Space Exploration: for whom? The benefit of all mankind… –Star Trek vs. Star Wars Are all space travellers really envoys of mankind? If space travellers have rights, things get more complicated –IP, misbehaviors, cultural differences

18 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 18 Ethics of Space Exploration: Do Astronauts have a Life? The selection process Privacy Isolation Communication Comfort Risk

19 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 19 The Ethics of Space Exploration: A New Human Habitat? Distant (?) prospect of colonization: –Which rules do apply? –When do you stop being a terrestrial? (see Asimov) –Ethical issue of terraforming Very close effects of this distant prospect –Limits of our planet and phantasy of emigration –Does space exploration divert us?

20 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 20 Some Ideas of Recommendations The participative approach –Reinforce information program and public debate Clarify the motives and the interests –Undertake economical studies –Be careful with the « pionneer » rhetoric Give guarantees to space travellers.. And to ETs A way to solve terrestrial problems

21 ESTEC, 9 March 2005Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Contribution to European Exploration Strategy 21 Thank you Division of Ethics of Science and Technology

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