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Bureau of Public Transportation Transportation Strategy Board Presentation May 19, 2010 James P. Redeker Bureau Chief, Public Transportation 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Bureau of Public Transportation Transportation Strategy Board Presentation May 19, 2010 James P. Redeker Bureau Chief, Public Transportation 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bureau of Public Transportation Transportation Strategy Board Presentation May 19, 2010 James P. Redeker Bureau Chief, Public Transportation 1

2 Bureau of Public Transportation MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Bureau of Public Transportation is to develop, maintain, and operate a system that provides for the safe, efficient and sustainable movement of people and goods. 2

3 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Maintain existing systems at a state of good repair and enhance system safety and security Improve efficiency and effectiveness of transit service delivery Expand services to capture a greater share of existing markets and address specific new markets Bureau of Public Transportation 3

4 BUREAU PROFILE Unique service delivery model in Connecticut ~50% of ConnDOT annual operating budget Key role of public transit on Connecticut economy, air quality, energy conservation, mobility Bureau of Public Transportation 4

5 LARGE SERVICE ORGANIZATION Expenses and Subsidy Bus and ADA –$189M in annual operating expenses; $135M CTDOT Subsidy For Rail –$380M in annual operating expenses; $88M CTDOT Subsidy Ridership (annual) Bus and ADA - 38,200,000 passenger trips Rail trips – 37,700,000 passenger trips Ownership 300 rail vehicles and 1000 buses and paratransit vehicles New Haven Line (in CT) and 3 branch lines; 6 Freight lines 5

6 Bureau of Public Transportation SYSTEM PROFILE 6

7 Public Bus Services 7

8 Statewide Bus System Profile Total Bus Transit System (CTTRANSIT, Express Bus, Transit Districts, ADA, Dial-a-Ride and Shuttle Services) Annual Passenger Trips – 38,200,000 Annual Revenues - $39,000,000 Annual Subsidy and non-Subsidy Expenses - $189,000,000 Total Annual Subsidy - $141,000,000 CDOT Share of Annual Subsidy - $135,000,000 Average Subsidy/Passenger - $3.52 Subsidy/Passenger by Service Type Urban -$3.09 Express Bus - $3.83 Rural - $7.63 ADA Services - $28.35 8

9 Commuter Rail Services New Haven Line and three Branch Lines 35 Stations 37 Million Annual Trips Shore Line East 8 Stations 560,000 Annual Trips 9

10 Rail Passenger System Profile New Haven Line Weekday Trains – 289 Saturday-178 trains / Sunday-148 trains Annual Passenger Trips - 37,000,000 Annual Revenues - $253,000,000 Annual Expenses - $360,000,000 Total Annual Subsidy - $107,000,000 CDOT Share of Annual Subsidy - $70,400,000 Subsidy/Passenger - $1.90 Shore Line East Weekday Trains -23 (Monday-Thursday), 25 Friday Saturday 16 trains / Sunday 16 trains Annual Passenger Trips – 590,000 Annual Revenues - $2,200,000 Annual Expenses - $19,900,000 Total Annual Subsidy - $17,700,000 Subsidy/Passenger - $30.00 10

11 Rail Freight Service 11

12 Rail Freight System Profile Over 50,000 carloads (four million tons) originate or terminate annually in Connecticut Eight Rail Freight Carriers in Connecticut ConnDOT’s Rail Freight Initiatives Gross Receipts Tax Exemption Program Rail Preservation and Improvement Program Relay track materials from passenger lines Acquisition of abandoned rights of way 12

13 Bureau of Public Transportation FUNDING THE SYSTEM 13

14 Bureau of Public Transportation FUNDING SOURCES Annual Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Formula Funds State provides the non-federal share for most rail and bus capital improvements Annual State Bond Authorization Special Authorizations Other funding sources (e.g., FRA, ARRA) 14

15 ARRA – Economic Stimulus (Total for Bus and Rail Transit = $152M) BUS Statewide Bus Replacement Procurement Program (purchase includes up to 106 Hybrid buses) - $70M Norwalk Transit District Pulse Point Safety and Security Improvements - $1.5M Windham Transit District Bus Storage Canopies - $270K Statewide Park and Ride Lot Improvements - $2M Bus Engine Repowering - Greater Bridgeport Transit - $2.8M 15

16 ARRA – Economic Stimulus (Total for Bus and Rail Transit = $152M) RAIL Danbury Branch Signalization and Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) - $31M New Haven Yard Component Change-Out (CCO) Maintenance Shop for new M8 rail cars - $30M New Haven Line (NHL) Station Improvements - $10M Branford Station Parking Lot - $5M 16

17 Annual Public Transportation Capital Program $140 M to $160 M per fiscal year »State: $40M Bonding »Federal: Grown to $100 MM in Formula Funds »Federal Discretionary Varies Year-to-Year An additional $1.2 Billion is programmed over the next 10 years - based on forecasted availability, not needs Additional federal funding likely to be limited Use of CMAQ funds (”flexing”) Bureau Capital Issues 17

18 Bureau of Public Transportation CAPITAL NEEDS 18

19 Bureau of Public Transportation Major Capital Improvements New Britain-Hartford Busway CTTRANSIT Fleet Replacement CTTRANSIT New Haven Division Maintenance Facility M-8 Rail Car Procurement New Haven Maintenance Facility Complex New Haven Line Catenary Replacement Railroad Movable Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement 19

20 Bureau of Public Transportation CAPITAL NEEDS BUS 20

21 Capital Issues: Bus Rolling Stock Fleet Replacements –1000+ vehicles; 600+ full-size buses –1/4 already overdue for replacement –Cost: $200 million - just for buses –Timeliness of replacement based on availability of funds New and Expanded Services –Job Access; Commuter Connections; TSB Services; Service Initiative Replacement of lost seating capacity 21

22 Capital Issues: Bus Facilities New and Updated Facilities –$150 million for New Haven; Waterbury; Needs in Torrington, Windham, Norwalk (expansion), SEAT 22

23 Bus Capital Issues: New Services and Gaps Amenities - ITS; Shelters New Technologies –Radios/GPS/AVL –Fareboxes/Smart Cards –Clean Fuels and Environmental Quality Bus Rapid Transit –A new style of service New Britain-Hartford BRT in Final Design Route 1 BRT Norwalk to Stamford – in Planning Stage 23

24 24 Joint study: ConnDOT, CRCOG, CCRPA, Towns I-84 Corridor West of Hartford including Arterial Roadways, Neighborhoods, Rail Lines Alternatives Studied –Commuter Rail –Light Rail –Bus Rapid Transit –High-Occupancy Vehicle Lanes –Highway Widening Joint study: ConnDOT, CRCOG, CCRPA, Towns I-84 Corridor West of Hartford including Arterial Roadways, Neighborhoods, Rail Lines Alternatives Studied –Commuter Rail –Light Rail –Bus Rapid Transit –High-Occupancy Vehicle Lanes –Highway Widening New Britain – Hartford Busway Major Investment Study (July 1999) 24

25 25 Busway -- Key Project Elements: Travel Time Savings/ Quality of Service Travel Time Savings and Reliability - Separate guideway – “Like Rail” Flexibility - Different service styles (shuttle, collector, express, feeder); Ease of Adding New Services and Extensions One-seat ride Convenience – Improved Frequency, Level Boarding Quality of Service –Stations with amenities –ITS – Intelligent Transportation Systems Real-time passenger information Signal Preference CCTV Proof-of-Payment Fare Collection Travel Time Savings and Reliability - Separate guideway – “Like Rail” Flexibility - Different service styles (shuttle, collector, express, feeder); Ease of Adding New Services and Extensions One-seat ride Convenience – Improved Frequency, Level Boarding Quality of Service –Stations with amenities –ITS – Intelligent Transportation Systems Real-time passenger information Signal Preference CCTV Proof-of-Payment Fare Collection 25

26 26

27 27

28 Bureau of Public Transportation CAPITAL NEEDS RAIL 28

29 State Rail Plan Plan horizon 2010-2030 Current condition of rail system in Connecticut – passenger and freight Recommend strategies for responsible system growth and interconnectivity Identify constraints and needs Enhance regional mobility 29

30 Bureau of Public Transportation Rolling Stock (both NHL and SLE) –M8 cars –300 purchased with option for 80 additional cars 30

31 M8 Electric Multiple Unit 31

32 Bureau of Public Transportation –Infrastructure (New Haven Line in CT owned by CTDOT) (SLE cost sharing) Track Bridges Signal (PTC) 32

33 Saga Moveable Bridge 33

34 Moveable Bridge Rehabilitation Program Walk and Saga bridges $450M (includes catenary replacement) –Currently in design phase, $393M programmed for construction Devon and Cos Cob bridges $1B –Currently in engineering, feasibility and economic analysis study –Construction funds not programmed 34

35 Fairfield Metro Station 35

36 West Haven Station 36

37 New Haven – Harford – Springfield NYC NYC – Boston (Inland Route) NYC – New Haven New Haven – Springfield Springfield – Boston NYC - MA - VT - Montreal Knowledge Corridor proposal + Vermonter or Montrealer NYC – New Haven New Haven – Springfield extensions north of Springfield Greenfield, MA Bellows Falls or White River Jct, VT Montreal Both depend on increased capacity for NHHS section. Hartford Springfield Boston New Haven Montreal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa NHHS project limits 37

38 Bureau of Public Transportation STAFFING 38

39 Organization Description Public service organization structured around business units (Rail/Bus) –Operations –Capital Improvements “Lean” organization ~50% eligible for retirement in 3 years 39

40 Bureau of Public Transportation Organization Chart 40

41 Office of Transit & Ridesharing 30 Employees 41

42 Office of Transit & Ridesharing Contract Services and Support Project Development Bus Capital Projects Marketing and Transportation Demand Management Community Advocacy Regulatory and Compliance 42

43 Office of Rail 45 Employees 43

44 Office of Rail – Rail Design and Construction Office of Intermodal Design and Construction Operations Rail Equipment Maintenance Infrastructure Maintenance Property Administration/Control Security Regulatory and Compliance 44

45 Bureau of Public Transportation CHALLENGES 45

46 Challenges Capital needs vs. resources 2010 - 2014 –$3.4B Need –$2.1B Projected –$1.2B Shortfall Operating subsidy –$267M annual subsidy in 2010 –Inflation, service contract increases System Expansion –Rail Yard/M8 –NHHS –Shore Line East –Busway –Bus service expansion/ADA growth Service delivery Staff resources, capabilities, succession 46

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