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Killer Algae:The use of tracking analyst to study Red Tides Harris Muhlstein.

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Presentation on theme: "Killer Algae:The use of tracking analyst to study Red Tides Harris Muhlstein."— Presentation transcript:

1 Killer Algae:The use of tracking analyst to study Red Tides Harris Muhlstein

2 What are red tides? Blooms of phytoplankton Water becomes discolored (redish,brown, green, etc.) Blooms associated with shellfish toxicity and fish kills. Recognized since biblical times

3 Karenia brevis Red tide dinoflagellate Occurs in Gulf of Mexico & SE Atlantic Brevatoxins: potent to fish and mammals Cause asthma-like symptoms when aerosolized NSP

4 Karenia brevis background concentrations: 1-100 cells/L Fish kills: 100-200 cells/mL Shell fish beds closed: 5 cells/mL

5 Data UTMSI established a multi-year sampling regime at 5 stations along the Texas coast Sampling coordinated with TPWD and The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation November 98 – April 01 Bi-monthly sampling Dates were standardized


7 Bolivar Roads Pass


9 2000 Bloom Summer and Fall of 2000 Affected the entire Gulf Coast 6.5 million fish kills Economic loss = 4 million


11 August 5 2000








19 Early August 2000

20 October 20 th 2000

21 Conclusion Tracking analyst is limited for biological studies If improved, can be a valuable asset for researchers studying HABs

22 Big thank you to Dr. Maidment Questions or Comments?

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