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DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012

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Presentation on theme: "DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012
BELLWORK: A) WG-RB p50 SG-p51 CC-log p.30 IR-14E B) I remember writing a narrative (story) about myself... TARGET TIME:

2 I remember writing a narrative about myself...
2 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012 BELLWORK: SHARING (read the complete sentence) I remember writing a narrative about myself... PS-Homework reading log due today! TARGET TIME:

3 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012 TODAY WE ARE: 1) Using 'sequence of events' signal words (transitions), 2) Writing a rough draft of a narrative text, 3) Carefully choosing vivid, precise words in our writing. HOW? WHAT WILL THIS LOOK LIKE? TARGET TIME:

4 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012
4 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012 WRITING PORTION: Every workshop has a Writing portion Right now you are preparing to write your rough draft of a narrative. Please review the bottom of page 49 to remind yourself of what you chose to write about. If you were absent, you need to complete pages 48 & 49. TARGET TIME:

5 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012
5 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012 WRITING PORTION: According to your Rbook, what kind of statement do we need to write first? An introductory statement should tell readers what you will write about (topic) & give clues about you (the narrator). These clues tell readers about your 'point-of-view.' TARGET TIME:

6 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012
6 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012 WRITING PORTION: Take your topic from the bottom of p.49 & write it on the blank after the word 'topic' (p.50) A narrative is written in the 'first person' point-of-view using words like 'I, me & my.' What clues about yourself are you planning to include in your introductory statement? Age? Grade? TARGET TIME:

7 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012
7 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012 WRITING PORTION: Detail sentences: Let's think about the five senses that people have. You will now write 3 detail sentences (p.50) that include sensory details These should focus on what you feel, taste, touch, see or smell. TARGET TIME:

8 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012
8 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012 WRITING PORTION: Concluding sentences: Think carefully about how you want your reader to think or feel after reading your narrative. Write a concluding sentence that you feel will close your narrative in a way that is satisfying to your reader. TARGET TIME:

9 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012
9 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012 WRITING PORTION: WORD CHOICES: We briefly talked about using vivid adjectives...using precise words instead of everyday words because they have more impact. Everyday words: good, nice, sweet Precise words: extraordinary, fabulous, marvelous, awesome, wonderful TARGET TIME:

10 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012
1010 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012 WRITING PORTION: WORD CHOICES: Let's look at the Rbook examples of 'everyday' versus 'precise' words. Please read the title of the box before you read the contents. TARGET TIME:

11 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012
1111 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012 WRITING PORTION: VOCABULARY: Write down 3 or 4 vocabulary words that you feel you can use in your narrative. Workshop 1: circumstances, urgent, drastic, significant, aspire, devoted, anguish, intent, intense, effective Workshop 2: contagious, internal, impact, epidemic, resistance, feasible, expose, infect, estimate, courageous TARGET TIME:

12 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012
1212 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012 WRITING PORTION: WRITING PROMPT: Let's read the prompt to make sure you are staying on the topic. Write down a possible title for your narrative (remember you can change it later). If you can't think of a title right now, just write down your topic on that line. TARGET TIME:

13 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012
1313 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012 WRITING PORTION: Introductory statement: Take your information from the top of the page & fill out the 'introductory statement' box. Circle two transitions (from the purple box) that you plan to use in your narrative. TARGET TIME:

14 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012
1414 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012 WRITING PORTION: Concluding statement: Try out a new transition—something you haven't used before. Circle a concluding transition (from the orange box) that you have not used before. TARGET TIME:

15 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012
1515 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012 WRITING PORTION: ROUGH DRAFT: On a sheet of notebook paper, write your first draft for your narrative. Use the introductory statement and detail sentences that you wrote in your Rbook. Also use the concluding statement that you have worked on. Don't forget to also use the transitions & precise words that you picked. TARGET TIME:

16 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012
1616 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012 E-READS REMINDER: 1) During your Independent Reading rotation, if the computer is free, you may use it for e-reads. 2) The icon says 'e-reads log-in'. 3) Make sure you complete the handout as you read. 4) You can take the RC quiz right afterwards on the same computer. TARGET TIME:

17 5. Remember to fill out your IR log & your computer log (page 30).
1717 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012 ROTATIONS/BINDER REMINDER: 1. Check the board for your name. 2. Put your things in your binder. 3. Get your items under your desk. 4. Make sure you have your binder & something to write with as you rotate. 5. Remember to fill out your IR log & your computer log (page 30). TARGET TIME:

18 TODAY I LEARNED _______________ PS-Homework reading log due Friday!
1818 DAY 10 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 10, 2012 WRAP-UP: TODAY I LEARNED _______________ IN (WG, SG, IR or CC) BY (DOING WHAT?) Example: Today I learned how to spell 'individually' in CC by practicing it a bunch of times. PS-Homework reading log due Friday! TARGET TIME:

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