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…. Stories From The Old Testament That Build Faith & Devotion.

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2 Stories From The Old Testament That Build Faith & Devotion

3 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s interest vv. 17-30  Upon his arrival, David saw the situation and heard Goliath’s “challenge” vv. 20-24  The report circulated re: Saul’s “reward” for accepting Goliath’s challenge v. 25  He inquired about it vv. 26-27 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

4 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s interest vv. 17-30  Eliab (Jesse’s oldest son) rebukes David, calling him “insolent” v. 28  He intimates David was “neglectful” v. 28  David was simply inquiring…Eliab & others only saw him as a “distraction” vv. 29-30 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

5 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  Saul heard about David’s inquiries & sent for him v. 31  David “reassured” the king…volunteers to fight Goliath v. 32  Saul dismissed David’s “offer” v. 33 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

6 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  Saul dismissed David’s “offer” v. 33  David was only a youth…he was “not able to go fight against this Philistine”  Goliath had been a warrior “from his youth”  David’s faith contrasted to Saul’s unbelief Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

7 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  David’s response to Saul vv. 34-37a  This would not be his first “battle”  As a shepherd, he defended & attacked lions & bears that tried to seize the flock  Goliath was just another lion or bear Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

8 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  David’s response to Saul vv. 34-37a  God had delivered him from the paw of the bear & lion…He would deliver him from this “uncircumcised Philistine who has taunted the armies of the living God”  Not a child of the covenant with God Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

9 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  David’s response to Saul vv. 34-37a  David was not over-confident in his own fighting abilities…no matter how good a shepherd he was  He was confident (believed) in God Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

10 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  Saul’s offer to David vv. 37b-39  First, he wishes God’s blessings on him  Second, he offers David his own armor  David refused…he couldn’t walk nor had he previously used it in battle Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

11 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  David prepares for battle v. 40  He’ll use his “trusted” weaponry (the shepherd’s staff & his sling)  He selects 5 smooth stones from the brook  His real weapon?? Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

12 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  David prepares for battle v. 40  Any lesson re: his choice of 5 stones??  Some have argued it showed a lack of faith  He should have only chosen 1 stone  How many stones did God need? Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

13 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  David prepares for battle v. 40  Any lesson re: his choice of 5 stones??  God wasn’t going to “miraculously” direct the stone into Goliath’s forehead  It still was going to involve human effort Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

14 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  David prepares for battle v. 40  Any lesson re: his choice of 5 stones??  Faith = belief & trust in God  Yet, God still expects us to recognize our own responsibilities Jas 2:14-26 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

15 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  David battles Goliath vv. 41-51a  Goliath disdains David as his opponent… he obviously was “insulted” v. 42  He scorned David’s choice of weapons… he cursed David by his gods v. 43 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

16 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  David battles Goliath vv. 41-51a  Goliath boasts he will feed David’s flesh to the birds and beasts v. 44  David acknowledges Goliath’s weapons… states his “power” – God vv. 45-46a Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

17 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  David battles Goliath vv. 41-51a  David tells Goliath he will strike him down, cut his head off, and feed ded Philistine flesh to the birds and beasts v. 46b  Bold talk to an intimidating opponent!! Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

18 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  David battles Goliath vv. 41-51a  David gives 2 motivating reasons… Ê The whole earth would know there is only 1 God…Jehovah, the Lord God of Israel v. 46b Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

19 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  David battles Goliath vv. 41-51a  David gives 2 motivating reasons… Ë This “assembly” (Israel) would know that God does not deliver His people by sword or spear…the battle is His and He will defeat His enemies v. 47 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

20 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  David battles Goliath vv. 41-51a  David gives 2 motivating reasons…  David’s motivation was not the “lucrative reward” offered by Saul v. 25 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

21 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  David battles Goliath vv. 41-51a  They approach each other v. 48  David puts a stone in his sling & hurls it at Goliath…the stone sinks into Goliath’s forehead…the giant falls dead v. 49 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

22 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  David’s involvement vv. 31-51a  David battles Goliath vv. 41-51a  David runs to his body…he has no sword  David takes the giant’s sword, and cuts off his head vv. 50-51a Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

23 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  The battle’s aftermath vv. 51b-53  When the Philistines see their champion fall, they became afraid and fled v. 51b  Israel is afraid no longer…they pursue the fleeing enemy and kill them v. 52  They plunder the Philistine camp v. 53 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

24 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  The N.T. Application Eph 6:10-18  God’s people still battle “Goliaths” (daunting & intimidating opponents)  Not physical battles…spiritual conflicts  Paul’s exhortation parallels what David faced that day he faced & defeated Goliath Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

25 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  The N.T. Application Eph 6:10-18  On his strengths & skills, David could not have defeated Goliath  On our own strengths & skills, we cannot defeat the “spiritual hosts of wickedness” vv. 10-13 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

26 The Story Of A “Giant Killer” 1 Sam 17  The N.T. Application Eph 6:10-18  David saw the battle was the Lord’s…he knew He was stronger than literal weapons  We must also accept the battle is the Lord’s and arm ourselves with what God supplies “…in the strength of His might” v. 10 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

27 A Failed Homecoming Story 2 Sam 6  There was not a more important “relic” to Israel than the ark of the covenant  It resided in the Most Holy Place  It was seen only 1 time a year by only 1 man  For a time, it was out of Israelite hands  But one day, it was sent back home Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

28 A Failed Homecoming Story 2 Sam 6  The story of David’s efforts to bring the ark back to Jerusalem offer its readers a timely lesson about a very important principle  Sadly, a principle that continues to be violated to this day Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

29 A Failed Homecoming Story 2 Sam 6  The importance of the ark of the covenant  It represented the very presence of God  On the Day of Atonement, God’s presence would be manifested between the cherubim that hovered above the Mercy Seat Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion


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