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Planning and Design to support Safe Transport including Provisions for NMT -The African Experience Presentation by Paul Kwamusi Road Safety Coordinator,

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Presentation on theme: "Planning and Design to support Safe Transport including Provisions for NMT -The African Experience Presentation by Paul Kwamusi Road Safety Coordinator,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning and Design to support Safe Transport including Provisions for NMT -The African Experience Presentation by Paul Kwamusi Road Safety Coordinator, Africa FIA Foundation US/Africa Workshop. Arusha, Tanzania

2 Presentation Outline Road safety characteristics in Africa Un favorable safety situation. Non motorized traffic and safety Need for safer roads Way forward Conclusion

3 Safe Transport in Africa is a challenge Travel advisory on Uganda By far the biggest hazard you will encounter in Uganda is travelling on the roads. Driving standards are low, vehicles are often poorly maintained and the accident rate is high… Common forms of public transport are matatus and boda-bodas (scooter taxis), …if doing so you should select a vehicle that appears in good condition, consult other passengers and if using a boda-boda always wear a crash helmet.

4 Killer Roads Killer Vehicles Killer Drivers Poor Enforce ment Emergency Care is Poor Low priority for RS Road safety in Africa

5 Killer Buses

6 Killer Drivers

7 Killer Roads

8 8 Road Safety Legislations Road safety Campaigns Road Safety Capacity and capability Road safety Policies Road safety Funding are Scarce R. Safety Funds

9 is Poor Traffic Enforcemen t

10 Emergency Care is Scarce

11 Accidents in Africa are generally rising! Case study is Uganda

12 Regional Forecast for Growth in Road Traffic Fatalities World Bank Region% Change 2000 - 2020 South Asia144% East Asia & Pacific80% Sub-Saharan Africa80% Middle East & North Africa68% Latin America & Caribbean48% Europe & Central Asia18% Sub-total83% High-income countries-28% Global total66%

13 Road Safety: has been ignored as an African Policy Issue But Road safety is highly relevant to key priorities of today’s global policy agenda. Road safety is about all of the following: Partnership and international cooperation – Developing international standards Good governance and rule of law – avoiding corruption especially in enforcement agencies and respecting rights of other road users. Public health and humanitarian assistance Promoting sustainable development and the MDGs

14 Accidents in Developed countries are declining Due to safer designs and other interventions

15 Accident rate in selected African Countries

16 NMTs are Un welcome in Urban areas

17 NMTs are Extremely unsafe.

18 Some NMTs Need more than a vehicle space

19 NMT characteristics in Africa Few dedicated cycle lanes and pedestrian lanes are diminishing. Vehicular traffic is the priority in the design and planning and not NMT Planners and Policy makers are concerned with traffic flow

20 NMT characteristics in Africa…2 NMT growth is partly due to inefficient public transport services It is a response to personalized demand schedules. Many policy makers associate NMTs are associated with Poverty & source of pity

21 NMT users are major victims of Road deaths in Kenya.

22 NMT users are major victims of Road deaths in Uganda.

23 Human Survival and Collision Speeds

24 Way Forward: It is Time for Action Decade for Road safety action 2010-2020.

25 Creating Vaccines for Roads - iRAP Building on successful programmes in the EU, USA, and Australia, iRAP is an innovative and transparent system of road inspection to encourage governments to apply safer road design countermeasures that promote self-explaining and forgiving roads. It has run pilot projects in Chile, Costa Rica, Malaysia & South Africa showing positive cost benefit ratios.

26 Safer Roads For pedestrians in urban areas

27 Express way in South Africa Safer Roads For Africa’s growing traffic

28 Express way in Abuja, Nigeria Safer Roads For reduced traffic conflicts

29 Separation of fast traffic from the slow one in China Safer Roads For Africa’s 2 and 3 wheelers

30 Transport Infrastructure Aid should have dedicated RS funding component. Support International Road safety advocacy efforts. Pressurise Governments in Africa to dedicate RS funding from local sources Conclusion

31 Thank You!

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