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Effect of exercise program on natural killer cells in young elderly By Fatemah A. El-shabacy Benha Teaching Hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "Effect of exercise program on natural killer cells in young elderly By Fatemah A. El-shabacy Benha Teaching Hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effect of exercise program on natural killer cells in young elderly By Fatemah A. El-shabacy Benha Teaching Hospital

2 Back ground Aging is an inevitable universal truth for every living organism. The process of aging leads to marked malfunction of multiple cellular and molecular events that ultimately get translated into various chronic ailments and diseases, which severely compromises the quality of life of living beings (Ahmad et al., 2009).

3 There are several theories on why the aging body loses functioning. As, Immunological theory, there are changes in the immune system as it begins to wear out, and the body is more prone to infection and tissue damage, which may ultimately cause death and system breaks down (Mather and Carstensen, 2005).

4 NK cells are bone marrow derived lymphocytes play a critical role in the innate immune response against infections and tumors, which are seen with increasing incidence during ageing. There is a general consensus that NK cells from elderly humans show decreased cytotoxic capacity on a 'per cell' basis. It has been suggested that increased concentrations of NK cells in the blood compensate for the decreased cytotoxicity per NK cell (Solana& Mariani, 2000).

5 While deterioration of body functions is inevitable, proper exercise slows down the aging process.

6 Aim of the study This study aimed to determine the effect of exercise training program on the natural killer (NK) cells in young healthy elderly and to compare between males and females as regard the effect of exercise training program on CD16 percentage of natural killer cells.

7 Subjects and method Eighty elderly persons (40 males- 40 females) participated in this study. Their ages ranged from 60 to 70 years (young old). They were Medically stable persons. The persons were randomly assigned into two groups each include 20 males& 20 females. : Group A: Exercise group Group B: Control group

8 Both groups were subjected to the following: Full medical history. General medical examination before, during and after any procedure. Measuring the expression of CD16 by flow cytometry at the start of the study and one month later. Group A performed exercise program for 1hour/day, 3 times/week for 12 sessions, group B stayed for this period without exercise.

9 Each session of exercise contained the following categories: A.Warming-up exercise: For 15 minutes/ session. B. walking on the treadmill: For 30 minutes/ Session. C. Cool-down exercise: For 15 minutes/ session.


11 Comparison between pre and post exercise program values of CD16% in group A Item PrePost Relative changes % T-test MeanS.DMeanS.Dt-valueP-value CD16 % (group A) 20.363%1.51524.978%2.11922.7 %14.0260.0001**

12 Comparison between pre and post exercise program values of CD16% in group B Item PrePost Relative changes % T-test t-value P- value MeanS.DMeanS.D CD16 % (group B) 19.9241.89119.8741.882-0.25 %0.5950.56

13 Comparison between pre and post exercise program values of CD16 % in males and females of group A Total number of the patients (Group A) CD 16% Group A (females)Group A (males) PrePostPrePost Mean±SD 20.372%±1.4 15 24.927%±2.20920.355%±1.647 25.029%± 2.082 Mean difference4.56 4.674 P-value inside both groups 0.0001** P-value between males and females 0.577

14 Conclusions The exercise program is effective and beneficial for increasing the natural killer cells percentage in the young elderly subjects. Moderate intensity exercise training program for elderly subjects produced a significant improvement on natural killer cell percentage in comparison with the control group. There was no difference in the improvement between both sex groups.

15 Recommendation Attention should be directed to this point during physical therapy training so as to improve the functional and health outcome of the elderly subjects.


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