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Guitar Collections: What Comes after Books? Patrick Sweeney San Mateo County Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Guitar Collections: What Comes after Books? Patrick Sweeney San Mateo County Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guitar Collections: What Comes after Books? Patrick Sweeney San Mateo County Library

2 Guitar Library – Why Guitars?  As a storyteller  Cultural Heritage  Lack of access

3 Guitar Library - Background  The Genesis of the Idea  My own desire to play guitar  The importance of innovation

4 Guitar Library – Goals of Project  Two 8 week guitar group lessons will be held  30 patrons will complete the guitar lessons  Up to 15 guitars will be purchased for the collection  Increase collection of guitar educational materials/items from 12 to 48  Increased circulation of musical education related materials/items by 40%  Implementation of a new collection of guitars  Achieve a 50% circulation rate for the guitar collection  Establish 4 music related programs  Partner with at least 3 community organizations

5 Guitar Library - Decisions  Where to Purchase?  Estimated Costs  Actual Costs  What kind of Guitar?  How Many?  What supplies to Purchase?

6 Guitar Library - Logistics  How to get them to the library  Where to hold classes  Display and storage

7 Guitar Library – Cataloging  Cataloging  Loan Rules  Loan Periods  Fines and Fees

8 Guitar Library- Circulation  Contracts  Policies  Checking them out

9 Guitar Library - Staffing  Training Staff To…

10 Guitar Library - Partnerships

11 Guitar Library - Successes  New partnerships  Renewed interest in music from both patrons and staff  Good press for the community  New programs  New perspective on library services and collections

12 Guitar Library – Lessons Learned  Guitars in the Library?  Open Lessons  Guitar class sizes  Own a guitar already?  Lessons are more expensive than guitars!

13 Guitar Collections: What Comes after Books? Patrick Sweeney San Mateo County Library

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