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Rule 6: Build a Basket of Killer Options 3/2015. Options −Have multiple potential options (~ from 2 to 5) −Experiment & Test −Invest little (start small)

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Presentation on theme: "Rule 6: Build a Basket of Killer Options 3/2015. Options −Have multiple potential options (~ from 2 to 5) −Experiment & Test −Invest little (start small)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rule 6: Build a Basket of Killer Options 3/2015

2 Options −Have multiple potential options (~ from 2 to 5) −Experiment & Test −Invest little (start small) 3/2015

3 Testing killer options −Start from the doomsday scenario and with the clean sheet of paper −”A true killer option”, not just increment −Compare size of the investment to the size of the potential market −Track progress constantly and be ready to kill projects −Block antibodies 3/2015

4 Cases −Lotus Note (1984 - 1990) −Required e-mail, LAN, Windows multitasking −Small iterations −Netflix −1. Started as DVD-over-mail −2. Download-over-night delivery −3. Streaming −1. Lilyhammer −2. House of Cards −McDonald’s −Coffee −Hearth Express 3/2015

5 Large portfolio is not enough −Portfolio managers have wrong targets −Only best possible return on investment −Avoid internal conflicts −Hard to keep track of the whole portfolio −Hard to learn from mistakes 3/2015

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