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Postgraduate Applications Computer Science Stefan Kahrs 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Postgraduate Applications Computer Science Stefan Kahrs 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Postgraduate Applications Computer Science Stefan Kahrs 1

2 PG taught (not much to say) solely based on grades and degree programmes 2

3 PGR & career PhD not generally necessary for a career in Computer Science (other than an academic one) CS tends to have very good employability anyway, so it can be difficult for us to attract good graduates for a PhD,......and that even applies for a fully funded PhD 3

4 What is important? research proposal (unless it’s ear-marked) grades, and where from interview (if there is one) potential application killer: bad reference, poor English, weird personal statement 4

5 Research Proposal, do-not plagiarise research from the WWW confuse CS with IT confuse finished research with a research proposal apply to places that do not have the expertise to supervise the proposed research 5

6 Research Proposal, do pick your research subject first, and the university(ies) to match it later find a problem to tackle and an approach how to tackle it spend some considerable time & effort on your research proposal, especially if you apply for a funded PhD contact academics of the school with overlapping research interests to discuss research ideas before finalising proposal 6

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