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Bhoomi lq'kkl u School of Good Governance And Policy Analysis National Workshop on Disseminating Information on Good Practices in Public Service Delivery.

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1 Bhoomi lq'kkl u School of Good Governance And Policy Analysis National Workshop on Disseminating Information on Good Practices in Public Service Delivery June 5, 2009 BHOOMI-Management of Land Records in Karnataka -Shri Rajiv Chawla, Secretary (Survey Settlement), Government of Karnataka

2 Bhoomi

3 The project happened in Karnataka Project coverage  7 million farmers: 35 million beneficiaries  20 million land records (0.6 hectare average size of holding)  202 project locations serving farmers from 27000 villages The genesis The conceptAchievementsBenefitsLearningsRoad Ahead 0.2 mn sq kms Bangalore Award Criteria

4 Bhoomi Its all about agricultural land record reforms  Data in land records Demographic data, Economic data, Legal rights 47 information ‘fields’ – owners, tenants, crops, yield, irrigation sources, mortgage details, soil, bank loans etc  Critical to farmers Basis for ownership & loan  Instrument of social justice Poor records lead to litigation & social unrest Ensure government gets its due returns  Critical for economic growth The genesis The conceptAchievementBenefitsLearningsRoad ahead Award Criteria

5 Bhoomi The essence of Bhoomi Bhoomi is a farmer friendly mechanism to access and update land records using state of art technology The genesisThe concept AchievementBenefitsLearningsRoad ahead Award Criteria

6 Bhoomi Farmers availing services

7 Bhoomi Farmers availing services

8 Bhoomi Land records : Then & Now Low visibility Cumbersome Harassment Computerised Transparency Up to date Easy access Manual records Citizen friendly Dated records Tamper Prone Secured The genesisThe concept AchievementBenefitsLearningsRoad ahead Award Criteria

9 Bhoomi The path traversed-amazing numbers  Data entry 10000 plus officials underwent training on data preparation and validation process 20,000 man-months legacy data entry involving 1200 operators Validated 20 mn records through 6.7 mn farmers and 9000 Village officials  Bhoomi software & Training Fully developed in-house by NIC,Bangalore Requirement specification through 16 workshops- participatory development 1000 man-months development effort Development in local language 1000 + village officials trained The genesisThe conceptAchievement BenefitsLearningsRoad ahead Award Criteria

10 Bhoomi The transition in documentation The genesisThe conceptAchievement BenefitsLearningsRoad ahead Award Criteria

11 Bhoomi Transparency ensures social equity  Gone are the days when Village Accountants would be able to dole favors on extraneous considerations First in first out mutations in Bhoomi No more discretion to favor influential people The genesisThe conceptAchievementBenefits LearningsRoad ahead Award Criteria

12 Bhoomi Multiple stakeholders benefit Bhoomi Banks Judiciary Private firms Easy implementation Manpower redeployment Planning inputs Protect govt. land Citizen friendly Quick, harassment free Records tamper proof Simple mutation process Easier farm credit Less litigation The genesisThe conceptAchievementBenefits LearningsRoad ahead Award Criteria

13 Bhoomi Bhoomi has touched farmers’ lives  7 Crore copies have been provided from the Bhoomi kiosks 2 crores copies provided to citizens every year  Mutation incidence has increased 3 fold  Land based litigation down by around 50% as per revenue department officials The genesisThe conceptAchievementBenefits LearningsRoad ahead Award Criteria

14 Bhoomi What has Bhoomi achieved  Handwritten records fully substituted by computerised records- a legal framework in place  Imposition of user charges with better delivery of services make scheme viable and sustainable- Collection of Rs 1.5 Crore per month as against annual total expenditure of Rs 18 Crore on project Till date Rs 105 Crore user charges collected  Land records in public domain No application, no identity requirements Land records and mutation status on web  Biometrics authentication- Non repudiation feature  Crop data updated three times a year Rabi Khariff and Summer The genesisThe conceptAchievementBenefits LearningsRoad ahead Award Criteria

15 Bhoomi What Bhoomi has achieved  State data centre established centralising 20 million records  VSAT network connecting all 202 locations of BHOOMI  Electronic integration of BHOOMI with KAVERI (Registration project) in place  Survey process integrated into Bhoomi Integrated Mutation  Bhoomi being PKI (Public key infrastructure) enabled so as to comply with IT act 2000 Pilot on PKI implemented The genesisThe conceptAchievementBenefits LearningsRoad ahead Award Criteria

16 Bhoomi Recent developments in Bhoomi  Using Hand held devices like Simputer and mobile phones for online data capture Avoid drudgery of current manual crop collection and batch updation  Offloading distribution of records to privates sector 800 rural telecentres under NEMADDI project in place Bhoomi makes Nemmadi sustainable- killer application  Providing value added services to farmers from 800 rural telecentres 42 other services like social pensions, income and catse certificates etc, The genesisThe conceptAchievementBenefitsThe genesisThe concept Award Criteria Learnings Road ahead

17 Bhoomi Recent developments in Bhoomi  Pilot on electronic linking of lending agencies with bhoomi Electronically request Bhoomi for mortagage entries  Pilot on electronic linking of land acquisition officers to Bhoomi Electronically informing Bhoomi of 4(1) and 6(1) on lands The genesisThe conceptAchievementBenefitsThe genesisThe concept Award Criteria Learnings Road ahead

18 Bhoomi What did Bhoomi demonstate  Such huge projects are also doable with existing bureaucracy  Citizens do not mind paying for better services Broke the myth of FREE services The genesisThe conceptAchievementBenefitsThe genesisThe concept Award Criteria Learnings Road ahead

19 Bhoomi Success factors  Political and administrative support for the project  Demonstrating early successes to silence cynical staff and critics  Importance of pilots  Stakeholders engagement and involvement  Abolition of alternatives No competition to new system  Institutionalization and legal changes  Committed NIC staff Continued support The genesisThe conceptAchievementBenefitsThe genesisThe concept Award Criteria Learnings Road ahead

20 Bhoomi Success factors  Capacity building among government servants Catch them young- compassionate appointed village accountants  Involvement of vendors and contract management Training of data entry vendors Facility management  Evolution of self funding model No dependence on government  Appropriate Technology choices  Institutional administrative structure for implementation Bhoomi monitoring cell  Continuity of project champion The genesisThe conceptAchievementBenefitsThe genesisThe concept Award Criteria Learnings Road ahead

21 Bhoomi Challenges faced  Cynicism among government officials  Indifferent senior bureaucracy  Lack of IT knowledge among senior officers like DMs  Impatient political leadership The genesisThe conceptAchievementBenefitsThe genesisThe concept Award Criteria Learnings Road ahead

22 Bhoomi Learnings from Bhoomi  Devil lies in details  Capture low hanging fruits RTCs were not corrected or updated before taking data entry  But need to capture difficult fruits also Improving quality of land records  Gradual introduction of reforms to manage change helps Provisioning of copies from kiosks instead of 10000 VAs FIFO in mutation Merger of survey department with Revenue department Integrated mutation No registration till seller is the owner Presumptive mutation The genesisThe conceptAchievementBenefitsThe genesisThe concept Award Criteria Learnings Road ahead

23 Bhoomi Learnings from Bhoomi  For projects to be successful One requires many committed officials  Who may not be necessarily senior officers  Slow and steady wins the race Huge projects require LARGE time to execute  Challenge your belief and thinking And innovate and innovate  Respect new ideas Create environment for innovation The genesisThe conceptAchievementBenefitsThe genesisThe concept Award Criteria Learnings Road ahead

24 Bhoomi Road ahead  Find the errors in Bhoomi data and correct the same  Ensure that spatial data and non spatial data remains in sync  Evolution and implementation of integrated mutation process  Integrate registration system with Bhoomi tightly  Migrate towards titling system AchievementBenefitsLearningsRoad aheadThe genesisThe concept Award Criteria

25 Bhoomi Efforts towards Replication and recognitions  Bhoomi is now declared to be the national model for replication by MIT GOI  Detailed study of Bhoomi by World Bank made available on its website for facilitating replication. (  World Bank and Ford foundation have got done an independent evaluation of the BHOOMI project  Apart from winning silver in CAPAM, Bhoomi was one of the finalist in Stockholm challenge award 2002  Winner of national e-Governance award  Winner of United Nations Public service award 2005-06  PM award for the year 2006-07 AchievementBenefitsLearningsRoad aheadThe genesisThe concept Award Criteria

26 Bhoomi Thank You Rajeev Chawla Commissioner Survey settlement and land records and Special Secretary (Bhoomi) Revenue Department Govt of Karnataka E-mail: Website:

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