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Presentation on theme: "OPHA RESOLUTION ON THE NON-ESSENTIAL USE OF CHEMICAL PESTICIDES ON PUBLIC & PRIVATE LANDS Presented to alPHa - Feb 1/02 by: Helen Doyle, representing the."— Presentation transcript:

1 OPHA RESOLUTION ON THE NON-ESSENTIAL USE OF CHEMICAL PESTICIDES ON PUBLIC & PRIVATE LANDS Presented to alPHa - Feb 1/02 by: Helen Doyle, representing the OPHA Environmental Health WG

2 OPHA Resolution  Resolutions  Whereas’  Legislation  Municipal Jurisdiction  Pesticide Reduction Initiatives  Fed/Prov/Municipal  Industry  Background - Possible Health Effects  Precautionary Principle  Public Health Role?  Implementation Plan

3 ‘..therefore be it resolved, that the OPHA..’  urge Ontario municipalities to restrict the non-essential use of chemical pesticides on public and private lands

4  urge the 3 levels of government to work together to:  strengthen legislation governing pesticide use,  reduce the non-essential use of pesticides,  educate the public about the health effects and alternatives to chemical pesticides, &  promote IPM Strategies

5  Advocate to the MOHLTC for adequate resources for HU’s to:  act as a resource to municipalities on pesticide reduction initiatives  educate the public about the health effects of pesticides (as per MHPSG)

6 request to meet with the appropriate government agencies to express our concern on this matter, and to request their support to take action to restrict the non-essential use of pesticides

7 collaborate and network with other health and environmental organizations that support restricting the non-essential use of pesticides

8 also, be it resolved that, this resolution be forwarded to the Ont. and Fed. Ministers of Health, the Minister of the Environment, FCM, AMO & HU’s and boards of health

9 Background - ‘WHEREAS..’  #1 priority in pest management - protection of human health esp. vulnerable populations  associations between certain pesticides and human health effects  limitations of research re: impact of pesticide exposure on health

10 …whereas,  Absence of conclusive evidence to prove causal relationship, but reason to believe potential harm…  Precautionary Principle  HPPA - health hazard?

11 ..whereas,  PMRA has taken initiatives to reduce urban pesticide use:  Healthy Lawn Strategy  reduce reliance on pesticides  use IPM - pest prevention, reduced risk products, pesticide use as a last resort!  Priority re-evaluations - applying current risk assessment principles e.g. safety factors to protect children

12 ..whereas,  Of the 7000 pesticides approved for use in Canada, many have not been re- evaluated to account for current risk assessment standards & vulnerability of children  alternative, non-toxic methods of pest prevention exist (e.g. IPM?)

13 ..whereas,  Certain pesticides persist in the environment and migrate beyond the application area  decision of Supreme Court of Canada in Hudson, Quebec case..powers of municipal governments to restrict the use of non-essential pesticides

14 Possible Health Effects  Literature search/limitations  toxicological & epidemiological studies  cancer studies (occupational/childhood)  developmental & reproductive studies  acute & chronic health effects  neurotoxic & immune system effects  endocrine disruption

15 Legislation  Pest Control Products Act (PMRA)  manufacture, importation & registration of pesticide products in Canada  reviews health & environmental assessments on new pesticide products  Pesticides Act (MOE)  sale, handling & use of pesticides  licensing of operators & applicators

16 Municipal Jurisdiction?  By-laws to regulate the use of pesticides on private property?  Interpretation of Supreme Court decision in Quebec? Quebec Cities & Towns Act = Ontario Municipal Act?  Authority on ‘lands owned by municipality’- policy

17 Pesticide Reduction Initiatives  Fed/Prov/Terr: Action Plan for Urban Use Pesticides - Healthy Lawn Strategy  Fed Dept Pest Mngt. Programs:  DND - commitment to 50% reduction, IPM & naturalization  Public Works - IPM plans for Crown-owned lands  Parks Canada - IPM Directive

18 Municipal Initiatives  York Region - draft Pesticide Reduction Guidelines/IPM  City of Toronto- IPHC; Public Consultations  City of Ottawa- Interim IPM Policy  City of Waterloo- PHCP

19 The Lawn Care Industry  Landscape Ontario  Training & Certification  Ridgetown College/MOE  IPM Accreditation  Organic Landscape Alliance

20 Precautionary Principle  CEPA  ‘where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for’.. inaction  Environment Canada  registration “if accepted it must be safe for use, with the restrictions of current scientific knowledge”

21 Precaution cont’  Health Canada  Discussion Paper on A Canadian Perspective on the Precautionary Approach/Principle  “Canada has a history of implementing the precautionary approach in science-based programs of health & safety,..”

22 Precautions  Environment Canada Fact Sheet  “pesticides are poisons, otherwise they wouldn’t kill”  “consider using non-chemical methods of control”  “pesticides are toxic to many forms of life in addition to the species to be controlled”  “ultimately some side effects may extend to human life as well”  “..benefits must be weighed against the side effects”

23 Public Health Role?  MHPSG-Health Hazard Investigation  Goal: “to prevent or reduce adverse health outcomes resulting from exposure to health hazards”  HPPA: “reasonable & probable grounds that a health hazard exists”  Precautionary Principle: suggestive evidence/associations but absence of scientific certainty

24 Implementation Plan for OPHA Resolution  Distribute to govt’ and health organizations  collaborate with other health & environmental agencies  monitor progress of pesticide reduction initiatives by govt’ and non-govt’ agencies

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