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Published byHarold Kelley Modified over 9 years ago
GMO experiments and agrosituation in Russian Federation Irina Ermakova, International expert of ecological and food safety, main scientist of UP SEC BMT Irina Ermakova, International expert of ecological and food safety, main scientist of UP SEC BMT
It It Perhaps genetic engineering is the future of humanity. Using biotechnological methods people can solve many important problems as hunger, diseases, climate change and others. However if these methods are not correct genetic engineering can cause infertility, diseases, death, destruction of nature, climate change. Unfortunately, this is happening
Speci es GM species Transgene traitEffect RatSoyaRoundup ReadyStunting, death, sterility Human CottonCry1Ac/Cry1AbAllergy symptoms Sheep ""Death, liver toxicity Cows """ Goats """ Mice Pea Alpha-amylase Inhibitor Lung Inflammation, General food sensitivity Mice SoyaRoundup ReadyLiver, pancreas and testis affected Human MaizeCry1AbIllnesses and death Rats MaizeCry3BbLiver and kidney toxicity Cows MaizeCry1Ab/Cry1AcDeath and illnesses Rats PotatoSnowdrop lectin Damage in every organ system. Stomach lining twice as thick as controls Mice PotatoCry1AGut lining thickened RatsTomatoDelay ripeningHoles in the stomach ChickMaizeGlufosinate tolerance Deaths Ban GMOs Now Dr. Mae-Wan Ho Influence of different GM cultures on human and animals
Method of gene introduction. Natural infectious agents exist which can transfer genes horizontally between individuals. There are viruses and other pieces of parasitic genetic material, called plasmids and others, which are able to get into cells and then make use of the cell's resources to multiply many copies of themselves or to jump into (as well as out of) the cell's genome (World Scientists' Statement 2000). What GMOs are? The term genetically modified organisms (GMOs) refers to plants, microbes and animals with genes transferred from other species in order to produce certain novel characteristics (for example resistance to pests, or herbicides), and are produced by recombinant DNA technology.
There are two standard methods, which are generally used to introduce new DNA (genes) into a plant cell, which is going to be modified: A) infecting the cells with a modified pathogen, with the help of Agrobacter tumefaciensis, Б) the particle acceleratio, or “shot-gun” technique. Pict. from Kuznecov et al. 2004.
Foreign genes were found in the cells of different organs of animals and humans 1.Gruzza M, Langella P, Duval-Iflah Y, Ducluzeau R. Gene transfer from engineered Lactococcus lactis strains to Enterococcus faecalis in the digestive tract of gnotobiotic mice. Microb Releases 1993;2:121–125. 2.Schubbert R., Lettmann C. and Doerfler W. Ingested foreign (phage M13) DNA survives transiently in the gastrointestinal tract and enters the blood stream of mice. Molecules, Genes and Genetics 242, pp.495-504, 1994. 3.Trudy Netherwood, R. Bowden, P. Harrison, A. G. O’Donnell, D. S. Parker, and H. J. Gilbert. Gene Transfer in the Gastrointestinal Tract.Appl Environ Microbiol. 1999 November; 65(11): 5139–5141. © 1999, American Society for Microbiology. 4.Andy Coghlan “GM crop DNA found in human gut bugs”, NewScientist, 2002 (Harry Gilbert and colleagues at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne). 5.Doerfler W., Schubbert R. Uptake of foreign DNA from the environment: the gastrointestinal tract and the placenta as portals of entry. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1998 Jan 30;110(2):40-4. Review. 6.Schubbert R., Hohlweg U., Renz D., Doerfler W. On the fate of orally ingested foreign DNA in mice: chromosomal association and placental transmission to the fetus. Mol Gen Genet. 1998. Oct. 259(6), 569-76.
From Werner Muller lecture «Influence of foreign DNA/RNA on human immune system by using of genetically modified plants» Nov. 21st 2007.
OUR EXPERIMENTS Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of Russian Academy of Sciences
Irina Ermakova, 2010 In our experiments we used Soy flour: Roundup-Ready (RR, Monsanto) soy, 40.3.2 line, genetically modified with the transgene CP4 EPSPS (5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase, from Agrobacterium sp., strain CP4) came from the Netherlands. Supplier: ADM (Archer Daniels Midland, USA). Traditional soya variety (Arcon SJ 91-330, ADM), which had a similar composition and nutritional value to the RR-soya, came from the Netherlands. Supplier: ADM. Protein-isolate GM soy (RR, line 40.3.2, Monsanto) came from USA. Supplier: ADM. Soy seeds: - GM-soy (RR, line 40.3.2), Argentina. Traditional soy from Volgograd region. Chow with GM-soy, RR, 40.3.2 (about 14%) Soy Schrot GM-soy, RR, 40.3.2, Monsanto.
Rat females received chow (at the top of cage) and soy pasta (in the special plate) Preparing of soy paste (soy flour mixed with water) Irina Ermakova, NAVDANYA, 2008
№2 - GM-soya (flour) №3 - Trad. Soya (flour) №4 - Protein GM-soya (flour) №5 - Trad Soya (seeds) №6 - GM-soya (seeds), t №7 - GM – soya (seeds) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Irina Ermakova, 2010
Irina Ermakova, NAVDANYA, 2008
Trad-soy GM-soy Irina Ermakova, 2010
BBigBBig 19-days old pups Big (normal) pup – from Control group Small pup – from GM-soy group Irina Ermakova, 2010
Degeneration of right testis (20%) in Soy-groups
GM-soy Control GM-soy: disturbance of blood stream Control Testis of males fed by soy seeds
Liver А, B – control group; C, D – GM-soy group B А C D Irina Ermakova, 2010
Transgenic potatoes Irina Ermakova, 2010
Tumors in rats, fed by GM-soy
Oncology and GMO Doerfler W. The insertion of foreign DNA into mammalian genomes and its consequences: a concept in oncogenesis. Adv Cancer Res. 66, 313-44, 1995. Ewen S.W, Pusztai A. Effect of diets containing genetically modified potatoes expressing Galanthus nivalis lectin on rat small intestine. Lancet. 354, 9187, 1999.
Our experiments showed negative influence of GM-soy on rat pups High mortality of pups in the first generation (more than half) Absence of the second generation 40% of survived pups had small sizes and weights 5% of pups had tumors Irina Ermakova, 2010
Our data allow us to presume that the negative effect of GM-soy on the newborn pups could be mediated by several possible factors. It could be as a result of: Accumulation of Roundup in GM-soy Transformation and insertion of the foreign genes, which could penetrate into the sexual/stem cells, or/and into cells of the fetus Gene mutation in GM-soy Plazmid effect
Similar experiments were performed in three Institutes of Russian Academy of Sciences in different species of animals. Females and also males were fed by traditional soy and GM soy. Institute of biochemistry - in mice (Infertility of adult animals: absence of the first posterity). Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS - in rats (Infertility in 70% of rat pairs). A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution - in hamsters (Infertility, pathological development of offspring).
Scientists over the world warned about GMO hazard World scientists' statement on the hazards of genetic engineering biotechnology Open letter from world scientists to all governments concerning GMOs Creation of GMO free zones Development of natural agriculture Scientific investigations Anti-GMO conferences and movements
ГМ-культуры распространяются быстро и далеко
In Russia Population informing about GMO hazard. 3 GMO free zones and 11 in the process. Creation of new methods of gene introduction. Development of natural agriculture Marks on foodstuff are entered
СОЮЗ "Природного ЗемлеДелия "СИЯНИЕ" - Исследовательский Центр СОЮЗа "Природного ЗемлеДелия "СИЯНИЕ" - Центры Природного Земледелия в России - Клубы Органического Земледелия - Учебно-практический центр природного земледелия и животноводства по методу пермакультуры Зеппа Хольцера (Санкт-Петербург) - Natural agriculture in different regions of RF “Work is less, Crops-is higher, Health - is better"
Centers of natural agriculture in different cities of RF Архангельск Архангельск Архангельск Астрахань Астрахань Астрахань Воронеж Воронеж Воронеж Волжский Волжский Волжский Екатеринбург Екатеринбург Ессентуки СК Ессентуки СК Ессентуки СК Ессентуки СК Железногорск КО Железногорск КО Железногорск КО Железногорск КО Ильинско-Подомское АрхО Ильинско-Подомское АрхО Ильинско-Подомское АрхО Ильинско-Подомское АрхО Казань Казань Казань Калуга Калуга Калуга Кострома Кострома Кострома Красноярск Красноярск Красноярск Москва Москва Москва Нижний Новгород Нижний Новгород Нижний Новгород Нижний Новгород Новосибирск Новосибирск Новосибирск Новокузнецк Новокузнецк Оренбург Оренбург Оренбург Орск ОО Орск ОО Орск ОО Орск ОО Омск Омск Омск Пермь Пермь Пермь Ростов-на-Дону Ростов-на-Дону Ростов-на-Дону Самара Самара Самара Санкт-Петербург-1 Санкт-Петербург-1 Санкт-Петербург-1 Санкт-Петербург-2 Санкт-Петербург-2 Санкт-Петербург-2 Ставрополь Ставрополь Ставрополь Саяногорск, Хакассия Саяногорск, Хакассия Саяногорск, Хакассия Саяногорск, Хакассия Северодвинск АрхО Северодвинск АрхО Северодвинск АрхО Северодвинск АрхО Сясьстрой, ЛО Сясьстрой, ЛО Сясьстрой, ЛО Сясьстрой, ЛО Таганрог РО Таганрог РО Таганрог РО Таганрог РО Томск Томск Томск Туймазы Б Туймазы Б Туймазы Б Туймазы Б Тула Тула Тула Тюмень Тюмень Тюмень Уфа Уфа Уфа Челябинск Челябинск Челябинск Череповец ВО Череповец ВО Череповец ВО Череповец ВО Чебоксары Чебоксары Чебоксары
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