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As a Garden Earth Naturalist, YOU can make a difference! As a Garden Earth Naturalist, YOU can make a difference!

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Presentation on theme: "As a Garden Earth Naturalist, YOU can make a difference! As a Garden Earth Naturalist, YOU can make a difference!"— Presentation transcript:

1 As a Garden Earth Naturalist, YOU can make a difference! As a Garden Earth Naturalist, YOU can make a difference!

2 D o you know what the word ‘Naturalist’ means? Do you know any famous Naturalists? What can you do as a Garden Earth Naturalist? D o you know what the word ‘Naturalist’ means? Do you know any famous Naturalists? What can you do as a Garden Earth Naturalist?

3 A Naturalist is person who studies plants and animals in their natural surroundings. Naturalists care about the environment. What does the word ‘Naturalist’ mean?

4 Famous Naturalists Aldo Leopold Rachel Carson John Muir George Washington Carver Who are these people and why should I care about them? Jane Goodall Chipko Movement Teddy Roosevelt Dr. Seuss

5 Aldo Leopold Known as the “Father of wildlife ecology” Known as the “Father of wildlife ecology” Knew more about America’s wildlife than anyone else of his time! Knew more about America’s wildlife than anyone else of his time! Believed that all things in nature Believed that all things in nature are connected into a web of life. It is not possible to hurt one part without the rest of the web being affected.

6 Aldo Leopold While living on a farm in Wisconsin, Aldo documented years of nature study through journaling While living on a farm in Wisconsin, Aldo documented years of nature study through journaling These journals were published in a book called “The Sand County Almanac ” These journals were published in a book called “The Sand County Almanac ” Introduced the idea of “A Land Ethic” Introduced the idea of “A Land Ethic” Taught that people should be stewards of the land. We are just members of the land-community, not controllers. Taught that people should be stewards of the land. We are just members of the land-community, not controllers.

7 Aldo Leopold 1935: Helped found the Wilderness Society 1935: Helped found the Wilderness Society 1937: Established the Wildlife Society 1937: Established the Wildlife Society

8 Rachel Carson Rachel’s Mother taught her a love for writing and nature Rachel’s Mother taught her a love for writing and nature She studied marine biology and zoology in college. She studied marine biology and zoology in college. Wrote multiple books on marine ecology Wrote multiple books on marine ecology

9 Rachel Carson 1962: published Silent Spring 1962: published Silent Spring Her book talked about how DDT (a pesticide) and other synthetic chemicals that were poisoning local lakes, rivers, oceans, wildlife, and people as these chemicals went through the food chain from water, to birds, fish, and other wildlife, and eventually to humans. Her book talked about how DDT (a pesticide) and other synthetic chemicals that were poisoning local lakes, rivers, oceans, wildlife, and people as these chemicals went through the food chain from water, to birds, fish, and other wildlife, and eventually to humans. Rachel Carson has been called the “Mother of the modern environmental movement” Rachel Carson has been called the “Mother of the modern environmental movement”

10 John Muir After loosing sight in one eye in an accident, John focused on getting into nature once his vision returned. After loosing sight in one eye in an accident, John focused on getting into nature once his vision returned. John spent a lot of time in the Yosemite Valley of California. There he journaled about wildlife, plants, glaciers, trees, and mountains. John spent a lot of time in the Yosemite Valley of California. There he journaled about wildlife, plants, glaciers, trees, and mountains. He also took an 1000 mile hike through the Gulf of Mexico to study botany (plants). He also took an 1000 mile hike through the Gulf of Mexico to study botany (plants).

11 John Muir 1892: elected president of the Sierra Club, which is still an active environmental group today. 1892: elected president of the Sierra Club, which is still an active environmental group today. Called the Father of our National Parks, Father of Glaciology, Father of Yosemite, and the Greatest Californian. Called the Father of our National Parks, Father of Glaciology, Father of Yosemite, and the Greatest Californian.

12 George Washington Carver As an African American, Carver had trouble being recognized as the great naturalist and agriculturalist he was. As an African American, Carver had trouble being recognized as the great naturalist and agriculturalist he was. Studied agriculture in college. Later becoming a college professor. Studied agriculture in college. Later becoming a college professor.

13 George Washington Carver Discovered new ways to use plants for food, healing, and in manufactured products. Discovered new ways to use plants for food, healing, and in manufactured products. Main focus was the peanut, finding over 100 uses for the plant crop. Main focus was the peanut, finding over 100 uses for the plant crop. Made a way for future African Americans in science. Made a way for future African Americans in science.

14 Jane Goodall As a child, Goodall always had a dream of going to Africa. As a child, Goodall always had a dream of going to Africa. Worked digging up bones (archaeology) in Africa as a way to follow her dreams of studying animals. Worked digging up bones (archaeology) in Africa as a way to follow her dreams of studying animals.

15 Jane Goodall Studied chimpanzees for 45 years. Studied chimpanzees for 45 years. Observed how chimpanzees use “tools” such as grass blades to find food and rocks to break fruit. Observed how chimpanzees use “tools” such as grass blades to find food and rocks to break fruit. Developed a relationship with the chimpanzees she studied, so that they were no longer afraid of her. Developed a relationship with the chimpanzees she studied, so that they were no longer afraid of her.

16 Chipko Movement Chipko is a Hindi word meaning "hugging“. Chipko is a Hindi word meaning "hugging“. Describes how local village women "hugged" trees to prevent them from being cut down. Describes how local village women "hugged" trees to prevent them from being cut down. Though most protesters were women, Sunderial Bbahuguna is the most well known leader of the movement. Though most protesters were women, Sunderial Bbahuguna is the most well known leader of the movement. The success of the Chipko movements have saved thousands of trees from being felled and have led to laws protecting forests in India. The success of the Chipko movements have saved thousands of trees from being felled and have led to laws protecting forests in India.

17 Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt Enjoyed nature as a child, collecting plant and animal specimens and journaling on his studies. Enjoyed nature as a child, collecting plant and animal specimens and journaling on his studies. Studied natural history in college. Studied natural history in college. First President to consider the long-term need for conservation of national resources First President to consider the long-term need for conservation of national resources

18 Teddy Roosevelt Preserved more than 170 million acres of lands in the forms of national parks and monuments. Preserved more than 170 million acres of lands in the forms of national parks and monuments.  150 National Forests 150 National Forests 150 National Forests  51 Federal Bird Reservations 51 Federal Bird Reservations 51 Federal Bird Reservations  4 National Game Preserves 4 National Game Preserves 4 National Game Preserves  5 National Parks 5 National Parks 5 National Parks  18 National Monuments 18 National Monuments 18 National Monuments  24 Reclamation Projects 24 Reclamation Projects 24 Reclamation Projects Friends with John Muir and Gifford Pinchot, two other famous naturalists. Friends with John Muir and Gifford Pinchot, two other famous naturalists.

19 Dr. Seuss Dr. Seuss was born Theodor Seuss Geisel and began his career in the late 1920s doing cartoons for the humor magazines. Dr. Seuss was born Theodor Seuss Geisel and began his career in the late 1920s doing cartoons for the humor magazines. Later started writing children’s books that often had powerful messages. Later started writing children’s books that often had powerful messages.

20 Dr. Seuss Dr. Suess’ greatest gift to the world of Ecology was his book, The Lorax. Dr. Suess’ greatest gift to the world of Ecology was his book, The Lorax. A story about pollution and unwise use of natural resources. A story about pollution and unwise use of natural resources. Many people were shocked to see a children’s writer make such a strong environmental statement. Many people were shocked to see a children’s writer make such a strong environmental statement.

21 What can we learn from these famous Naturalists? How to take care of our own piece of Garden Earth!

22 What can you do as a Garden Earth Naturalist? Plant a garden Plant a garden Learn the best methods for growing plants. Learn the best methods for growing plants. Study pollinators and other wildlife that may use your garden for food or habitat. Study pollinators and other wildlife that may use your garden for food or habitat. Distribute plants to local people for their gardens or food crops to people in need. Distribute plants to local people for their gardens or food crops to people in need.

23 Fight for conservation Fight for conservation Protect the trees! Whether it be a local plot of land or acreage of rainforest in South America. Protect the trees! Whether it be a local plot of land or acreage of rainforest in South America. Educate the public on the importance of protecting natural resources. Educate the public on the importance of protecting natural resources. Help establish or clean up a local park. Help establish or clean up a local park. What can you do as a Garden Earth Naturalist?

24 Help stop pollution Help stop pollution Organize a trash clean up in a local park, stream, or roadside. Organize a trash clean up in a local park, stream, or roadside. Do water sampling to test for pollutants in a local water source. Do water sampling to test for pollutants in a local water source. Educate the public on common air and water pollutants and what they can do to help. Educate the public on common air and water pollutants and what they can do to help. What can you do as a Garden Earth Naturalist?

25 What are some Garden Earth Naturalists already doing?

26 Fowler Drive Elementary GEN Club Planting a butterfly garden to learn the importance of pollinators and to establish gardening skills. Planting a butterfly garden to learn the importance of pollinators and to establish gardening skills. Collecting seeds and propagating plants to distribute at GEN Science Nights and Pinewood Estates (a local Latino trailer park). Collecting seeds and propagating plants to distribute at GEN Science Nights and Pinewood Estates (a local Latino trailer park).

27 Fowler Drive Elementary GEN Club GEN Departments involved: Pollination Pollination Soil Soil Pest and Disease Control Pest and Disease Control Biodiversity Biodiversity Food Production Food Production

28 Madison and Oglethorpe County 4-H Club Compost poultry litter to be used as fertilizer Compost poultry litter to be used as fertilizer Use compost to fertilize pumpkin plants and other vegetable and wildflower plants. Use compost to fertilize pumpkin plants and other vegetable and wildflower plants. Plant seedlings at schools or local parks to attract butterflies Plant seedlings at schools or local parks to attract butterflies Donate vegetable seedlings to local food bank for low income summer gardening Donate vegetable seedlings to local food bank for low income summer gardening

29 GEN Departments involved: GEN Departments involved: Pollination Pollination Soil and Recycling Soil and Recycling Air Cleaning Air Cleaning Food Production Food Production Madison and Oglethorpe County 4-H Club

30 What will you do as a Garden Earth Naturalist?

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