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NATURALISM By: Christian Cuevas Alicia Scalice Tori Parker.

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Presentation on theme: "NATURALISM By: Christian Cuevas Alicia Scalice Tori Parker."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATURALISM By: Christian Cuevas Alicia Scalice Tori Parker

2 Naturalism is defined as human beings, characters can be studied through their relationships to their surroundings. Writers often use polysyndeton in their works. Naturalism intersects with realism, in the shared emphasis on depicting surface reality. Tori Parker "naturalism." The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2005. 19 Mar. 2013.. Wikipedia contributors. "Naturalism (literature)." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 14 Mar. 2013. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. “The spirit of man can endure only so much and when it is broken only a miracle can mend it.” John Burroughs

3 Frank Norris- His writing in naturalist was influenced by Emile Zola. Emile Zola-He was a important contributor to the development of theatrical naturalism. Theodore Dreiser-He ranks as the foremost American writer in the Naturalism movement. Wikipedia contributors. "Émile Zola." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 28 Feb. 2013. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on Sister Carrie.” SparkNotes LLC. n.d.. Web. 14 Mar. 2013. “Marriage, in life, is like a duel in the midst of a battle.“Marriage, in life, is like a duel in the midst of a battle.” Edmond About Edmond About Christian Cuevas

4 A Walk in the Woods The Appalachian Trail stretches from Georgia to Maine and covers some of the most breathtaking terrain in America, majestic mountains, silent forests, and sparking lakes. If you’re going to take a hike, it’s probably the place to go. And Bill Bryson is surely the most entreating guide you’ll find. The Edge of the Sea "The edge of the sea is a strange and beautiful place." A book to be read for pleasure as well as a practical identification guide, The Edge of the Sea introduces a world of teeming life where the sea meets the land. A new generation of readers is discovering why Rachel Carson's books have become cornerstones of the environmental and conservation movements. The Earshot of Water Whether the subject is the plants that grow there, the animals that live there, the rivers that run there, or the people he has known there, Paul Lindholdt’s In Earshot of Water illuminates the Pacific Northwest in vivid detail. Lindholdt writes with the precision of a naturalist, the critical eye of an ecologist, the affection of an apologist, and the self- revelation. Naturalism Books Alicia Scalice

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