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UDL Principles in the Arts Classroom Gordon Sasaki.

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Presentation on theme: "UDL Principles in the Arts Classroom Gordon Sasaki."— Presentation transcript:

1 UDL Principles in the Arts Classroom Gordon Sasaki

2 This workshop will present and model UDL principles for the arts classroom. inclusive art making approaches supporting documents and images sample lesson plan

3 What is Universal Design?



6 Why?



9 We will be focusing on the creative process through discussion and hands-on practice while incorporating digital technology to aid in classroom accessibility.

10 Basic Principles for Universal Design in Learning Provide Multiple Means of: I. Representation II. Action or Expression III. Engagement

11 Examples of different and alternative formats to accommodate different learning styles. –Visual –Spoken –Tactile –Movement –Written –Large text –Digital

12 Applying UDL Principles Present materials in multiple formats

13 Using spoken and written words to engage

14 Using movement to communicate and translate

15 Applying UDL Principles Present materials in multiple formats Use flexible approaches with achievable goals

16 Creating access in available or alternative spaces

17 Allow for broader, more open interpretations

18 Applying UDL Principles Present materials in multiple formats Use flexible approaches w/ open & achievable goals Allow as many opportunities for choice as possible

19 Focusing choice while maintaining objectives

20 Imbed choice within lesson plans

21 Applying UDL Principles Present materials in multiple formats Use flexible approaches w/ open & achievable goals Allow as many opportunities for choice as possible Build on individual strengths and previous concepts

22 Building on interpretations of “Community”

23 Applying UDL Principles Present materials in multiple formats Use flexible approaches w/ open & achievable goals Allow as many opportunities for choice as possible Build on strengths and previous concepts Vary in modes of student engagement

24 Discussing work with students

25 Learning to look, read and feel the artform

26 Sample Drawing Lesson Distribute materials: allowing students choices through selection and /or process Choose someone next to you as a partner Draw a life-sized continuous line portrait of your partner’s face and head. Reinterpret this drawing into a wire sculpture. Discussion

27 Adaptive Art Tools Resource List Utensil Hand Clip An excellent aid for people who have trouble grasping… F746150000 $7.75 Wand Mouth Stick with Bend Adapter - 538518 This lightweight (1 oz.) plastic mouth stick bends to… Size: 18" Item #: 538518

28 UDL internet resources Learning

29 Thank You

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