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Presentation on theme: "PRE-IB / ACADEMY CHEMISTRY COLLEGE PREP CHEMISTRY."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. Be on time. Be in your seat before the tardy bell rings. 2. Be prepared. Have your notebook, binder, pen or pencil and your calculator every day. 3. Be on task. Work quietly on the assignment given. 4. Be courteous. Talk only when given permission. Respect the rights of others. 5. Follow directions. 6. No food, drinks, gum, hats, or electronic equipment are allowed at any time.

3  First time : ◦ Warning  Second Time: ◦ Teacher-Student conference, time out  Third Time: ◦ Referral to office, parent contact  Severe Violation ◦ Immediate referral to assistant principal

4  The first two tardies of the quarter are free. The third tardy results in a student-teacher conference. The fourth tardy results in 15 minutes of detention to be served before or after school in next 48 hours (2 days). Subsequent tardies follow the consequences as stated in the student handbook.  Pop quizzes or bellwork assignments cannot be made up. All previously announced work cannot be made up or will only be allotted the time remaining in class for completion.

5  All assignments are due at the start of class.  No late work will be accepted.  Excused absences ◦ Work is due the day you return. ◦ If you miss a test, you will take test the day you return if you knew about the test in advance. ◦ If you miss a lab you have one week to make it up or an alternate assignment will be given.  It is your responsibility to get all missing assignments if you have been absent. Check the agenda notebook on my desk.

6  Unexcused absences ◦ Students are not permitted to make up work due to an unexcused absence ◦ This includes suspensions. ◦ Work will be given if you are given in house suspension.

7  A 89.5-100%  B 79.5-89.4%  C 69.5-79.4%  D 59.5-69.4%  F 0 – 59.4%  Grades are posted weekly in class and online. If you have parent link you will be able to see your grades online.

8  Points will be given for the following: ◦ Test and quizzes ◦ Lab activities ◦ Classwork ◦ Formal lab reports ◦ Homework ◦ Notebooks ◦ Projects ◦ A minimal amount of extra credit will be given. However, all assignments must be turned in to receive extra credit.

9  Work turned in for a grade must be done in blue or black ink or pencil.  Nameless papers will be placed in the nameless folder and will only receive half credit.  Check the assignment board for assignments. Unless noted, assignments are due the next day.

10  It is your responsibility to be sure all assignments turned in are your own work.  Zero credit will be given for any assignment where cheating has occurred.  Consequences will occur as stated in the student handbook.  Examples of cheating include: ◦ Copying someone’s lab report or homework ◦ Asking others what was on a quiz or test ◦ Giving someone your work to copy.

11  Composition notebook  Binder with binder paper  Writing utensil – pencil or pen (blue or black ink)  Scientific calculator  Book – I will have a class set of books so students may keep their books at home.  Other – colored pencils, ruler, highlighters


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