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Fractions and Numerical Fluency. Goals & Purposes  Increase teacher knowledge regarding the refinements of the TEKS relating to numerical fluency. 

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1 Fractions and Numerical Fluency

2 Goals & Purposes  Increase teacher knowledge regarding the refinements of the TEKS relating to numerical fluency.  Increase teacher knowledge of composing and decomposing numbers.  Increase teacher knowledge of rational numbers.  Develop an understanding of the use of metacognition in problem solving.

3 Solve the Following Problem   Think about the strategy/strategies you used to solve the following problem.   Yesterday I baked my family a 9x13 pan of brownies. I cut the brownies in individual servings. Russell took ½ of the brownies, Chris took 1/3 of what was left, Natalie took ¼ of what was then left in the pan. An hour later Chris came back and took two more brownies, leaving one brownie for me. How many individual pieces did I cut the brownies into to begin with?

4 What am I supposed to find? Picture Table/Chart/List Number Sentence Explain how you derived your answer(s)? Write down your thought processes as you solve the following problem.

5 How Did You Solve the Problem?  Share your strategies with your neighbor.  Share your strategies with the whole group.






11 TEKS  Each group will be assigned a grade level.  Identify the TEKS in your grade level (K-5) that students must master in order to have success in solving this 5 th grade problem.  Are there any refinements that need to be identified? Add refined TEKS needed to teach this concept to the poster board.

12 Development of Fractions Where and How Do We See Fractions? Importance of the Whole

13 Referents Reference points of 0, ½, and 1  Fraction Estimators  How Big Am I?

14 Solve the Following Problem   Think about the strategy/strategies you used to solve the following problem.   2/4, 3/6, 4/8, and 5/10 are all equivalent to 1/2. What is the relationship between the numerator and denominator in each fraction? Explain why they are equivalent to 1/2.

15 What am I supposed to find? Picture Table/Chart/List Number Sentence Explain how you derived your answer(s)? Write down your thought processes as you solve the following problem.




19 TEKS  Each group will be assigned a grade level.  Identify the TEKS in your grade level (K-5) that students must master in order to have success in solving this 5 th grade problem.  Are there any refinements that need to be identified? Add refined TEKS needed to teach this concept to the TEKS Refinement Wall.

20 Equivalent Fractions  How Do I Compare? Let Me Count the Ways.  Equality for All  Mixing It Up

21 Building Foundations for Mathematics Numerical Fluency Defined!

22 “Mingle to Music”  Stand with mind map and a writing utensil.  When the music begins, walk around the room with your paper.  When music stops, freeze and turn to the person closest to you.  If you do not have a partner, raise your hand and walk to another person raising his/her hand.  Each partner shares his/her mind map. As you are listening, add ideas you did not have on your mind map.  Tell participants they will have 2 minutes each (total of 4 minutes) to share and add to mind map.  When the music begins again, thank your partner and walk around the room again.  Continue this process two more times.

23 Building Foundations for Mathematics Numerical Fluency Defined!

24 What Are the Next Steps?

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