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Practical Arts The Stuff I Need to Know. Everyday I need…  Planner  Notebook- separate one just for this class  Writing Utensil.

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Presentation on theme: "Practical Arts The Stuff I Need to Know. Everyday I need…  Planner  Notebook- separate one just for this class  Writing Utensil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical Arts The Stuff I Need to Know

2 Everyday I need…  Planner  Notebook- separate one just for this class  Writing Utensil

3 Some Days I will need…  Colored pencils  ruler  Wood glue  Work clothes  Carpenter’s pencil

4 Entry & Exit  Enter using the south door (closest to the gym)  Be seated at tables, filling out your planner when the bell rings  Exit using the north door (closest to the bathrooms)  Exit only when you have been excused by Mr. Heist

5 planner  Planner is everything- graded every Friday  Completed for each day  Bathroom/Hall pass  Used every Thursday for Sex Ed  Using as class work pgs. 118-123

6 Notebook  Parent Letter- signed  Tool Test- study guide  Safety Rules  Class Notes- graded four times during the trimester

7 Grading  Planner 10 points a week, 12 weeks  Notebook check 4 times  Parent letter, Tool Test, other stuff  3-5 Projects

8 The other stuff…  You are tardy if you not seated and ready to work when the bell rings  More than two tardies- Lussy  A detention for each tardy after that

9 The other stuff…  Automatic detention for unsafe behavior  Safe behavior looks like-  Walking  Keeping hands to yourself  Speaking with the appropriate volume

10 The other stuff…  Room tour  Fire escape route  Fire extinguisher fire alarm  Back door

11 Last Words  If it is not yours- don’t touch it  Raise your hand to ask- not to answer

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