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Lexington Public Schools School Health Services Kindergarten Orientation March 21, 2013.

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1 Lexington Public Schools School Health Services Kindergarten Orientation March 21, 2013

2 Requirements for entry to Kindergarten 1.Immunization Compliance per Massachusetts State law. All immunizations series must be completed or recently started. 2.Physical Exam done within the past 12 months with documentation of the following: Lead screen date and result Complete vision exam Tb risk assessment

3 Massachusetts Department of Public Health Immunization Requirements for School Entry 2013 DTaP/DTP A series of 5 doses, unless 4th dose given after age 4. POLIO-A series of 4 doses, unless 3rd dose given after age 4. MMR(Measles, mumps, rubella) – 2 doses required. 1st dose must be after age 1 HEPATITIS B -A series of 3 doses required to enter Grades K-12. VARIVAX (Chicken Pox) Two doses required to enter kindergarten. Disease – must be verified by your doctor or nurse practitioner in writing.


5 Immunization Exemptions Medical- Must have MD written documentation Religious- Must have parental written documentation (LPS form) Immunization exemption documents must be updated yearly. Exclusion policies will be applied for students with immunization exemptions should a contagious disease outbreak occur per Massachusetts Department of Public Health regulations.


7 Tuberculosis Policy for New Entries All students should have a TB risk assessment by their primary care provider at the time of scheduled physicals and upon entry to school. Students entering from Latin America (which includes all countries and islands south of the US), Africa, Asia (except Japan), Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, and the Middle East are required to submit a baseline intradermal (Mantoux) test prior to entrance to the Lexington Public Schools. If the Mantoux is positive as stated in the MD letter then a negative chest X-ray report is required. BCG vaccine cannot be used in place of Mantoux screening because it’s protection rate is unreliable and TB may occur after vaccination.


9 Life-Threatening Allergies An Anaphylaxis Emergency Action Plan should be completed annually by student’s allergist or primary care physician. EpiPens will be stored in the health office in an unlocked cabinet. LPS provides LTA awareness and EpiPen training to all employees based on Massachusetts DPH recommendations. All parties and celebrations during the school day are food- free. Approval is required from the principal & RN for the use of food in curriculum instruction. A “No food or utensil sharing” practice is implemented @ elementary school level.

10 No bake sales are allowed at the elementary or middle school level during the school day. LTA policy and related protocols and procedures are not in effect during events which occur on school property after school hours. School nurses are not available after school hours. Peanut free/tree-nut free tables are available in the cafeteria at the elementary level. Because of the confidentiality of medical records, a student’s parent/guardian has the responsibility for notifying school bus drivers directly of any life threatening allergies of which the bus driver should be aware.



13 Medication at School ALL medication (prescription and over-the-counter) must have an MD order and parent permission prior to administration. Tylenol, Ibuprofen, topical ointments, Lactaid, & cough syrup all need an order. Medications must be supplied in their original container and are to be picked up at the end of the school year. Orders are good for one year only and a new order is required at the start of each school year.


15 Injury or Illness during the school day Safety is a priority at school. Parents are contacted in the event of acute injury or sudden illness @ school. Please be sure to complete emergency contact form and update when changes occur. An MD order is required if student is temporarily excused from participating in gym or recess while recovering from a medical condition. Please present this order to the school nurse.

16 When to keep your child home.. A temperature of 100 degrees or greater within the past 24 hours Vomiting or diarrhea occuring within the past 24 hours An undiagnosed rash Untreated pediculosis (lice) infestation Suspected conjunctivitis (pink eye) Strep throat- please stay home if you have had a culture and are awaiting the result or if you are being treated for strep and have not yet had 24 hours of antibiotic treatment

17 Healthy Tips Sleep~ Please ensure that your child gets enough sleep to participate fully in the school day. Kindergarten students have a rest time after lunch. Nutrition~ Be certain that your child eats breakfast and brings a healthy snack/lunch to school. Healthy favorites~ fruit, veggies, yogurt, crackers, 100% fruit juice, and water. Hydration~ Water bottles are encouraged. The use of lotion for dry skin and lip balm is encouraged. Sunscreen~ Please apply at home if desired. Staff are not permitted to apply sunscreen.

18 Dressing for the weather… Children go out to recess twice daily unless the temperature is below 18 degrees. All students must wear boots and snow pants to play in the snow at recess during winter. Students are not allowed in the snow without these. Please send extra socks, underwear, and pants to be stored in student’s locker if clothing becomes wet. Parents will be called to bring clothing if it is needed and not available.

19 For more information….. LPS Nurses website


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