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Welcome to Petal High School Room 105 Ms. Gail Clark Transition to Algebra, Algebra 1, and Algebra 2 One must learn by doing the thing; for though you.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Petal High School Room 105 Ms. Gail Clark Transition to Algebra, Algebra 1, and Algebra 2 One must learn by doing the thing; for though you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Petal High School Room 105 Ms. Gail Clark Transition to Algebra, Algebra 1, and Algebra 2 One must learn by doing the thing; for though you think you know it, you have no certainty, until you try. Sophocles

2 Supplies For Class 3-ring binder (about 2 “ wide) Loose-leaf paper (lots of it) Writing utensil (mechanical pencil is preferred) Dividers (Syllabus, Notes, Homework, Graded Papers) 1 pkg white copy paper $5 fee workbook/calculator fee

3 Food in Classroom: You may bring twist-top water bottles into the classroom. You may NOT bring any food into the classroom.

4 For you to succeed: Be on time to class Be prepared for class Bring supplies, completed assignments, and a willing mind Be respectful of yourself, teacher, and your classmates

5 Make-up Work If you have an absence, you will be given an appropriate amount of time to make up the missed assignments (no more than 1 week). However, any assignment given prior to the absence will be due on the given date, or upon your return. It is your responsibility to get all make-up assignments.

6 Tardy to Class All tardies after the 2 nd tardy will result in 1 day of ISS. PHS Handbook Page 25

7 Grading System Homework (20% of daily grade) Homework quiz (15 points) Completed Homework Assignments Test (80% of daily grade) Chapter test Review Quizzes(scored as 1 chapter test grade) Nine Week Exam (25% of total grade)

8 Grading Scale: 90 – 100 A 80 – 89 B 70 – 79 C 65 – 69 D 64 & below F

9 Tutoring Tuesday and Wednesday from 7:45 – 8:15 for additional help. Get help at the FIRST sign of trouble! DON’T WAIT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE!!!

10 Electronic Devices: Absolutely NO electronic devices on campus! See handbook policy for consequences.

11 New Exemption Policy: Any student who has an “A” average & has not exceeded the absentee policy Any student who has an 80 or above average with no more than 2 total days absent in year-long course or 1 absence in a semester course. See full description on page 21 of PHS handbook

12 Grade Reporting: Progress Reports September 12 November 14 February 6 April 17 Report Cards October 24 January 16 March 27 May (mail out) You may access your grades at anytime for an updated report through the use of ONLINE ACCESS. Call the Central Office for more information!!!

13 PHS Bell Schedule: 1 st 8:35 – 9: 23 2 nd 9:28 – 11:04 3 rd 11:09 – 1:16 4 th 1:21 – 2:09 5 th 2:14 – 3:02 6 th 3:07 – 3:55

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