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Mrs. Cox. Do Now’s Each day you will be asked to complete a part of the Do Now Packet and will be checked for a grade Do Now’s will be checked for completion.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Cox. Do Now’s Each day you will be asked to complete a part of the Do Now Packet and will be checked for a grade Do Now’s will be checked for completion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Cox

2 Do Now’s Each day you will be asked to complete a part of the Do Now Packet and will be checked for a grade Do Now’s will be checked for completion Do Now's will mainly consist of information out of the Driver’s Manual.

3 Driver’s Manual Most work will come from the information presented from the Driver’s Manual. That is the most accurate and up to date information for you to get your permit and license. All information presented on the state test will be from Driver’s Manual. DO NOT DAMAGE

4 Packets You will have 3 different packets that should come to class everyday along with your driver manual Do Now packet Review Sheet Packet Reading Packet All if these packets will be graded throughout the marking period and be worth 30% of your grade…they all will aid in passing the state exam

5 What is expected of you Participation – you must participate during class. It will be factored in towards your final grade. What is it? Raising you hand, completing work that is given to you. Not falling asleep Paying attention to discussion/presentations No cell phones Being a part of group work

6 What is expected of you? Prepared – come to class prepared everyday Ways to not be prepared No writing utensil No book No notebook

7 What is expected of you? Behavior – If you are misbehaving you are not focused. Show respect – not showing respect – Talking while the teacher is talking. Talking out of turn. Making fun of your peers. Judging your peers. On your cell phone. Short leash, don’t make me send you down. “If I have to tell you again……”

8 Break Down for grade Break down of your grade at the end of the marking period will be on a total points system. Example: Tests – 20% Quizzes - 10% Class work/Projects – 30% Quarterly – 20% Class Participation- 20% Total grade is what you finish with divided by highest outcome.

9 Do Now Day 1 Do you believe that driving is a privilege or a right? Explain.

10 New Jersey Driving Statistics NJ Teenage Driving Statistics Another Fact Personal Experiences?

11 Contracts You have the contract in front of you please take note of the information and sign the bottom

12 State Exam The state exam will be given at end of marking period and is graded as your quarterly If you already have your permit you still must take the test because it is your quarterly Also need to take the class, even if you have your permit, because it is your sophomore health grade

13 Video (young drivers: the high risk years) Show Coach Poll Video now

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