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Classroom For Learning Workshop 2 Grading For Learning in the 21 st Century © Misty McBrierty Director of Curriculum and Instruction Shaker Regional School.

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1 Classroom For Learning Workshop 2 Grading For Learning in the 21 st Century © Misty McBrierty Director of Curriculum and Instruction Shaker Regional School District

2 Make a difference- “Be a rainbow in someone’ cloud” Remember: It’s People… NOT programs; The single biggest factor in student achievement is the teacher! - Todd Whitaker DO NOW Record in your journal your ideas, thoughts, reactions to the strategies you learned last time. If you tried any of the strategies record what happened and how effective you think they were… Be ready to share your ideas * Also write your thoughts of the room arrangement today… Why do you think it is in this shape? TWBAT… Describe and use a vocabulary game by Marzano Articulate the important assessment vocabulary Create a classroom assessment plan to support student learning based on standards assessed Reflect on current practices and how to change to a more learning centered classrooom AGENDA 1.DO NOW 2.Definition Smefinition 3.Creating a classroom for HOPE…Dallas student speech video clip 4.Creating a classroom assessment plan.. How and Why… HOMEWORK * Continue working on your classroom assessment plan * Try out some of the strategies learned today…

3 DEFINITION SHMEFINITION “MARZANO’S VOCABULARY GAMES FOR THE CLASSROOM” INSTRUCTIONS: (This game is similar to Balderdash; this doesn’t require much knowledge of the relevant terms and phrases) * Suited for upper elementary-High School Students Materials: Notecards or scrap paper, writing utensil, and prepared word list 1. Prepare a list of 10-20 words/terms (only you will see the list); suggestion is to do this on a smartboard, powerpoint, or notecards in a hat to pick randomly the words 2. Have a glossary or dictionary available for one group 3. Break the class up into 3-4 groups; 1 will be the dictionary group and the other 2-3 will be the playing team (this can switch around throughout the game) TO PLAY: Once you have the 3-4 groups and have chosen the team(s) to be the definition group play can begin. Put up the first work on the smartboard/powerpoint or pick out of a hat 1. Set a timer for 2-3 minutes 2. Once students have the word the dictionary group looks up the word and writes it down 3. The other teams in their group without any resources try to record the definition of the word by activating prior knowledge, use of prefixes, suffixes, root words. 4.Once the time is up each group shares their definition…. The dictionary group then reads their definition and the whole group then comes to a consensus on a definition that makes sense to them (this can be recorded or not… ) WORD VERSION OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS

4 ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING VOCABULARY GAME WORD LIST Criterion Referenced Triangulation Assessment Reliability Standard Validity Criteria Evaluative Feedback Descriptive Feedback Norm Referenced Assessment Performance Grid Performance Based Assessment

5 DO YOU BELIEVE? Only if we expand and reformulate our view of what counts as human intellect will we be able to devise more appropriate ways of assessing it and more effective ways of educating it. - Howard Gardner Watch this young 10 year old boy from Dallas, TX “Someone believed in him….”

6 HOPE NEVER CREATE A CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT THAT ELIMINATES HOPE FOR ANY STUDENT!!! As Maya Angelou said at the ASCD conference 2013: “Be grateful for those people who were rainbows in your clouds” and….. BE A RAINBOW IN THE CLOUDS OF ALL YOUR STUDENTS

7 Criterion Referenced Classroom…. By definition this means that students are instructed, assessed, and given feedback on where they are in relation to the standards and therefore criterion that lead to those standards.. NOT on how they are doing in relationship to others. By design all conversations, observation, products, and feedback are based on where they are in relationship to what they have to learn. By design a classroom like this has students involved at all levels of instruction and assessment….

8 Elements of Grading Guide to Effective Practice Doug Reeves “Progress in education, from ending segregation to the implementation of evidence based leadership and teaching practices, has not always been the result of buy-in by staff members or the will of the majority of the electorate. Rather, effective educational change is often the result of visionary leadership, against all odds and significant resistance, elevates essential values over popularity” -Doug Reeves pg. 107 Ch. 8 Elements of Grading Essential Elements of Grades Accurate: Reflect Performance of student on a standard of learningAccurate: Reflect Performance of student on a standard of learning Fair: Not influenced by gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, politics, or NON ACHEIVMENT FACTORS!!!!Fair: Not influenced by gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, politics, or NON ACHEIVMENT FACTORS!!!! Specific: Not only an evaluation but FEEDBACK. The information must be specific enough that the student can make decisions that will improve performanceSpecific: Not only an evaluation but FEEDBACK. The information must be specific enough that the student can make decisions that will improve performance Timely: Student should receive a steady stream of feedback much like they get in music or sports; designed not to evaluate but improveTimely: Student should receive a steady stream of feedback much like they get in music or sports; designed not to evaluate but improve “GRADE SHOULD BE A POSTSCRIPT TO A VERY LONG LETTER” – Doug Reeves p. 9

9 No Opting out of Learning.. Failure has to be welcomed as part of learning not punished through inappropriate and ineffective grading practices….

10 Classroom Assessment Plan Formative: During the Learning…. Should NOT be part of the gradebook but an integral part of the learning process and triangulation of evidence Summative: End of Learning… Should be part of the gradebook but as Doug Reeves says “It is the postscript of a very long letter” Ask Yourself: What and how are you collecting evidence for and of student learning? How is it organized and reported to others? Are you involving students in this most if not all the time? © Dr. Anne Davies

11 Classroom Assessment Plan Examples Science Classroom Assessment Plan: CAP Unit Triangulatio n of Evidence: Unit 1 Ex.


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