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Cumberland Island 2014 Good Evening Parents! Please find your child’s name and schedule at his/her seat. The Yearbook flyer is for you to take home.

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Presentation on theme: "Cumberland Island 2014 Good Evening Parents! Please find your child’s name and schedule at his/her seat. The Yearbook flyer is for you to take home."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cumberland Island 2014 Good Evening Parents! Please find your child’s name and schedule at his/her seat. The Yearbook flyer is for you to take home.

2 Community Information

3  Used as an organizational tool  Contents:  3 folders  spiral notebooks/composition books  Pencil pouch  Agenda  Textbooks and binders should be carried

4  Lost and Found boxes are outside Mrs. McCloud’s room  Remind your child to check often for lost materials, textbooks, lunchboxes, books, clothes, etc.

5  Please send in excuse notes  Note must contain  Date  Child’s lunch number  Parent signature  Phone number  Students are responsible for getting make-up work from teacher the day they return  Also responsible for turning the work in

6  Students are required to fill out agenda for every class  Many incomplete homework assignments are a result of not filling out agenda  Signature is checked by teachers during advisement  Students may earn after school academic detention for multiple missing assignments

7  School-wide discipline policy  4 behavior cards, one for each 9 weeks  Points are deducted for inappropriate behaviors  Determines the conduct grade for each quarter  Periodically check your child’s behavior card- located in the back of the agenda


9  6 th grade is Earth Science  Geology, Hydrology, Meteorology, and Astronomy  See syllabus for a complete list of topics-1 st page in students’ binder or my website

10  Every Day:  1.5 inch 3 ring binder  Interactive Student Notebook (spiral notebook)  Writing utensil  Most days:  Textbook (bright pink sign outside my door on the days the textbook is needed)  “Grace period” for forgotten materials ends this week. Students may return to lockers but will lose 2 points on their behavior card for being unprepared for class.

11  Science (and Reading)  Username: Students’ computer login at school (user initials and number, lowercase and no spaces) Password: success2014

12  Left side pages we complete in class (notes)  Right side pages are for students to process and interact with new information  Creative opportunities

13  5 dividers just for Science  Intro Unit, Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, Extra Paper  Please do not clean out or throw away science papers from your child’s binder  We will clean out and store papers at the end of each semester  All assignments will be used to review and study for quarterly benchmark tests, midterm exam, final exam, and GA Milestone (formerly GCRCT)


15  In order to be the most successful, students must put forth the effort starting at the beginning of school.

16  Vocabulary  Flash cards (word on front, definition on back)  Study Guides  Complete fully before test and use it to study  Flash cards (question on front, answer on back)  Complete homework  Extension of notes and classwork  Comprehension and application questions  Homework assignments already not being completed (or not completed well)

17  Agenda  Write down homework, upcoming quizzes, tests, long-term assignments  My Website  Daily homework; notes; study guides; helpful websites; games; links to online science book, OAS, and Family Portal  Family Portal  Immediate, online information for grades  Can alert you with failing grades  Encouraged to register

18  Opportunity for every student to improve test grades on every test (no corrections on vocab test tomorrow)  Template on my website  More than just correcting the answer-it’s work!  Potential to improve class average by several points

19  Turned in complete and on time to receive full credit  Accepted late but points deducted  11 points per day  No credit after 3 days  Reminder:  Please check your child’s agenda to make sure homework is being completed, especially if your child is receiving zeros for homework grades.  NHI (not handed in) recorded in gradebook until assignment is turned in

20  Classwork:  Work not finished in class becomes homework and will then follow the homework policy.  Projects/Long term assignments:  Assignment is reduced 11 points for every day it is turned in late.  No credit after three days  NHI (not handed in) recorded in gradebook for any assignment not turned in

21  Stamps are to keep you informed  Received when any assignment is not complete or on-time  “Late” implies after the scheduled time for class to begin

22  Email is the best way to get in touch with me  Checked periodically throughout the day  Link on ET Booth Website

23  If you have specific questions or concerns about your child’s performance, we encourage you to contact your child’s homeroom/advisement teacher to set up a conference. We look forward to speaking with you at a later date.

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