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Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania.

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Presentation on theme: "Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration E-PRTR - Emissions and Reporting December 2012 CEMSA Project Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania

2 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania Presentation: 1.Background to PRTR 2.Benefits of PRTR 3.Role of CA (Competent Authority) 4.Reporting Obligations of the Licensed Facility (LF) 5.Common Reporting Errors 6.E-PRTR website 7.The need to develop a National website for PRTR E-PRTR Emissions and Reporting

3 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania 1.Background: Regulation (EC) No. 166/2006 concerning the establishment of a European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register amended Council Directives 91/689/EEC and 96/61/EC. Under E-PRTR the scope has been extended from EPER beyond IPPC activities and waste to cover the following: aquaculture, shipbuilding and maintenance, quarrying and underground mining, opencast mining and urban wastewater treatment plants E-PRTR Emissions and Reporting

4 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania 1. Background: The European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) is an inventory of pollutant emissions from industry and other sources; The aim of the inventory is to make information on pollutant emissions and waste transfers more available to the public. (This helps to increase public awareness on environmental matters, allows a free exchange of views, more effective participation on environmental decision-making and, eventually, leads to a better environment) E-PRTR Emissions and Reporting

5 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania 2. Benefits (general): The PRTR dataset facilitates the following: Public access to information on industrial releases of pollutants and waste transfers; Emissions tracking; Emissions trends; Emissions data for enforcement reports and other reports; Demonstration of progress in reducing polluting emissions; Establishment of progress on environmental policies, targets and goals E-PRTR Emissions and Reporting

6 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania 2. Benefits (for industry): Provides a Driver for pollution reduction; Enables similar industries to benchmark their environmental performance with others in their sector; Enables reduction in emissions with financial savings; E-PRTR information can encourage industry and business to examine environmental costs, reduce emissions and waste transfers and to adopt cleaner production techniques – e.g. CGPP, etc; E-PRTR data can be used in licensing decisions for new plants and facilities E-PRTR Emissions and Reporting

7 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania 2. Benefits (for Community): EU and International benefits: E-PRTR includes data from 27 EU Member States; E-PRTR data reported by >25,000 industrial facilities covering 65 economic activities across Europe; PRTR provides transboundary impact data; E-PRTR data is displayed on the European PRTR website: - screenshot (later); PRTR covers 9 industry sectors E-PRTR Emissions and Reporting

8 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania NINE industry sectors: 1. energy 2. production and processing of metals 3. mineral industry 4. chemical industry 5. waste and waste water management 6. paper and wood production and processing 7. intensive livestock production and aquaculture 8. animal and vegetable products 9. other activities E-PRTR Emissions and Reporting

9 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania 3. Role of Competent Authority under E-PRTR Regulation (EC) No. 166/2006: In order to enhance the usefulness and impact of the European PRTR, the Commission and the Member States should cooperate in developing guidance supporting the implementation of the European PRTR The competent authorities shall assess the quality of the data provided by the operators of the facilities...... in particular as to their completeness, consistency and credibility Para. 16 Art. 9.1 E-PRTR Emissions and Reporting

10 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania 4. Reporting Obligations of Licensed Facilities: If any of 91 specified pollutants listed in Annex II of Regulation (EC) No. 166/2006 are released from activities in Annex I (of the Regulation), to air, water or land, either as permitted emissions or as accidental releases, or transferred to off-site waste water treatment plants (WWTPs), in excess of the specified amounts, then they have to be reported on E-PRTR Emissions and Reporting

11 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania 4. Reporting Obligations of Licensed Facilities: The operator of each facility shall report annually to its competent authority, along with an indication of whether the information is based on measurement, calculation or estimation, of the following: Releases to air, water and land of any pollutant specified in Annex II for which the applicable threshold value is exceeded; Off-site transfers of hazardous waste (> 2 tonnes per year) or of non-hazardous waste (> 2,000 tonnes per year); Off-site transfers of any pollutant specified in Annex II in waste water destined for wastewater treatment for which the applicable threshold value is exceeded Art. 5 E-PRTR Emissions and Reporting

12 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration TOTAL POLLUTANTS = 91 Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania Emissions to Air (60) Emissions to Water (71) Emissions to Land (61) Common pollutants EC No. 166/2006 – Annex II - POLLUTANTS

13 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania 4. Reporting Obligations of Licensed Facilities: Report annual mass emissions of PRTR pollutants and licensed pollutants in kg/yr; Report Releases to Air, Water and Wastewater; Report Methods of determination (M,C, E) and description of methods; Report relevant Waste Transfers with EWC Codes and R/D Codes in tonnes/yr E-PRTR Emissions and Reporting

14 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania 5. Common reporting errors When reporting Emission to Water or Emission to Sewer common reporting errors include: Incorrect units used e.g. tonnes instead of kg; Emissions not credible when compared to previous year; Not all licensed emission points reported on; Not all relevant PRTR pollutants reported (Refer to facility Permit/Licence and to the EU PRTR Guidance Doc - Appendix 3 for indicative PRTR pollutants by Sector) E-PRTR Emissions and Reporting

15 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania 5. Common reporting errors When reporting Emission to Water or Emission to Sewer common reporting errors include: Accidental emissions not reported; Fugitive emissions not reported; Reporting does not reflect correct emission type e.g. emission is reported to surface water instead of to wastewater/sewer E-PRTR Emissions and Reporting

16 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania 5. Common reporting errors: Deployed methods need to specify if the emission loads being reported are based on: release data based on direct monitoring results which need to be converted to annual mass emissions. Flow data is required for the conversion to annual mass emissions in kg/yr; Measurement (M) – i.e. release data based on direct monitoring results which need to be converted to annual mass emissions. Flow data is required for the conversion to annual mass emissions in kg/yr; release data based on calculations using activity data (fuel use, production rates, etc.) and emission factors or mass balance calculations; Calculation (C) – i.e. release data based on calculations using activity data (fuel use, production rates, etc.) and emission factors or mass balance calculations; Estimation (E) – i.e. release data based on non- standardised estimations, calculation tools, expert assessment and assumptions E-PRTR Emissions and Reporting

17 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania 5. Common reporting errors: Deployed methods need to specify if the emission loads being reported are based on: Correct methods and codes e.g. in next slide; Precise description of methods used e.g. in next slide E-PRTR Emissions and Reporting

18 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania Measurement Methods and Codes Method CodeWhen to Use itDescription Field PER If the facilities license specifies a specific Standard Method they must work to – this tends to be a rare case Standard Code / Name ISO / EN Only for approved standard methods - EN/ISO/CEN (check EU PRTR guidance document for the list) Leave Blank ALT If the facility is using a CEN or ISO standard but not one in the PRTR Guidance, this can be the case from time to time Standard Code Name CRM If a facility is using a non-ISO method validated using certified reference materials and acceptable to the competent authority (only applies to a few cases) Standard code or method description OTH If not using a standard methodDescription of method e.g. Hach Method, ICP_MS, Colorimetric, etc.

19 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania Calculation Methods and Codes Method CodeWhen to Use itDescription Field PER If the facility’s license specifies a specific calculation method to be used Description of method ETS For CO2 emissions and facilities that are part of the ETS Leave Blank OTH If not using a standard calculation method e.g. it is based on fuel consumption or a non-standard calculation methodology that has been approved by the EPA E.G. GAS SIM LITE, EPA Emission Calculation Tool etc. Description of calculation method or name of calculation tool ISO / EN Only for approved standard methods as listed in the PRTR EU Guidance (check guidance list) Leave Blank NRB National or Regional binding calculation methodology prescribed by legal act for the pollutant and facility concerned. Description of Method MAB Mass balance method, which is accepted by competent authority Description of Method.

20 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania 6. E-PRTR website (& screen shot - next slide): E-PRTR Emissions and Reporting

21 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania

22 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania 7. The need to develop a National E-PRTR website: A National PRTR website needs to be developed to comply with future ratification of the PRTR Protocol by Albania; The website should display all Albanian facilities which are covered by PRTR Regulations; It should provide details on all facilities where pollutants and waste transfers are above the E- PRTR thresholds E-PRTR Emissions and Reporting

23 Consolidation of he Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (CEMSA) An EU-funded Project managed by the EU Delegation to Albania THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION !

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