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Albania Land-of-Eagles. Language Official Language: Albanian Dialects: Gheg & Tosk 36 letters in Albanian alphabet Albanian is an Indo-European language,

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Presentation on theme: "Albania Land-of-Eagles. Language Official Language: Albanian Dialects: Gheg & Tosk 36 letters in Albanian alphabet Albanian is an Indo-European language,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Albania Land-of-Eagles

2 Language Official Language: Albanian Dialects: Gheg & Tosk 36 letters in Albanian alphabet Albanian is an Indo-European language, but one without relatives

3 Language StandardToskësishtGegënishtEnglish Shqipëri ShqypníAlbania një nji / njâone nëntë nândënine emër êmënname pjekuri pjekunimellowness zogzokzogbird mbret mret/regjking për të punuar me punueto work qenëqënëkjênë / kânëto be mundem mûjI can Letter:ABCÇD DhDh EËFG GjGj HIJKL LlLl MN NjNj OPQR RrRr S ShSh T ThTh UVX XhXh YZ ZhZh ValueValue:ab t͡st͡s t͡ʃt͡ʃ dðeəf ɡɟ hijkl ɫ mn ɲ opc ɾ rs ʃ tθuv d͡zd͡z d͡ʒd͡ʒ yz ʒ

4 Language Distribution of Dialects

5 Language

6 Religion Religion not a big factor 1119 churches 638 mosques Major Religions: Muslim 70%, Albanian Orthodox 20%, Roman Catholic 10%

7 Education High literacy rate Similarities and Differences Leaving Certificate Maturity Certificate Higher Education

8 Economy Average wages were $3.83 per manhour in 2009. In 2009, Albania was the only country in Europe, together with San Marino and Liechtenstein, to have economic growth 20% of the labor force works abroad Unemployment 13.3% (2010)

9 Economy Energy Production limits growth Hydroelectric: 97% Fossil Fuel: 3% In 2008, vast and untouched deposits of oil & natural gas were discovered in northern Albania.

10 Economy Agriculture Products: wheat, maize, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, sugar beets, grapes; meat, dairy products 50% of the labor force work in agriculture, mostly family owned farms

11 Economy 1 US dollar = 106.86 Albanian Lekes (April 2012)

12 Geography Illyrians 1200 BCE (proto-Albanians) 5 million Ethnic Albanians

13 Geography The Balkan region is a triangular peninsula Black, Aegean, Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas Danube Valley of Hungary Steppes of Ukraine

14 Geography Rivers and Mountains

15 Geography Rivers and Mountains

16 History Timeline of Albanian History

17 Modern History Albania & Kosovo as part of Yugoslavia after World War II Albania & Kosovo during the Slobodan Milosevic’s regime People entered refugee camps in the neighboring countries.

18 Kosovo Is Kosovo a part of Albania? Is Kosovo a part of Serbia? Are Kosovars also descendant from Illyrians (proto- Albanians in the area since 1200 BCE)? Who lived in Kosovo first, Illyrians or Serbs? 1.7 million Albanians live in Kosovo, a majority population. What is the significance of Kosovo?

19 Culture Major Ethnic Groups: Albanian 95%, Greek 3%, other 2% - Vlach, Roma (Gypsy), Serb, Macedonian, Bulgarian. Law-Besa, an Albanian takes both his honor and his life. Greetings, Personal Space & Touching, Views of Time, Gender Issues, Gestures, Law & Order, Dress, School, Socializing, Foreigners

20 Notable People Mother Teresa- Humanist SkenderbeuSkenderbeu- Prince of Albania "I have not brought you liberty, I found it here, among you” Enver Hoxha -Dictator. Ibrahim Rugova- Leader and publicist.

21 Holidays April 7 st Easter day Ramadan. March 8 th Mothers day. May 1 st Labor day. Christmas Day New Year's Day November 28 TH Albanian independency February 17 th Kosovo independency

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