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UNEP in UNDAF / One UN in Europe. UNDAF Roll-outs 2009 Roll-outs Azerbaijan Belarus Georgia Serbia Turkey 2010 Roll-outs Albania Kosovo Kyrgyzstan Montenegro.

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Presentation on theme: "UNEP in UNDAF / One UN in Europe. UNDAF Roll-outs 2009 Roll-outs Azerbaijan Belarus Georgia Serbia Turkey 2010 Roll-outs Albania Kosovo Kyrgyzstan Montenegro."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNEP in UNDAF / One UN in Europe

2 UNDAF Roll-outs 2009 Roll-outs Azerbaijan Belarus Georgia Serbia Turkey 2010 Roll-outs Albania Kosovo Kyrgyzstan Montenegro Ukraine

3 Results Based Management Capacity Development

4 Environment is linked to… Poverty Security and peace building Gender Human Rights

5 Linkages: Poverty Environment Livelihoods: Poor people rely disproportionately on ecosystem products for their basic needs Improved resilience: Poor people are more vulnerable to natural disasters Health: Environmental hazards account for 1/5 th of the overall burden of disease worldwide (WHO) Economic development: A healthy environment sustains employment in key sectors (agriculture, energy, forestry, fisheries, tourism)  The environment must be better managed to deliver pro-poor benefits (water supply, food, fuel..)  PEI (UNDP-UNEP) & Guidance note on Mainstreaming Poverty-Environment linkages into National Development Planning

6 1. Environment as a cause of conflict or contributing factor. 2. Environment as an instrument of war and directly targeted. 3. Environment directly or indirectly impacted by conflict. 4. Environment impacted by relief and recovery efforts. Security Environment

7 Gender Environment Women and men understand and use environmental resources differently AND are affected differently –Who are the users, protectors, managers of natural resources? –Who grows what types of crops? –Who have access to cash payments? –Who makes decisions regarding the use of land? Women and girls uniquely vulnerable to environmental degradation: deforestation, water shortages Despite role and know-how, women's contributions often undervalued and ignored Gender differences in the control of land a critical point for analysis and action  Women’s involvement and leadership in environmental programmes leads to multiple benefits in economic development, family health and community strength

8 No explicit recognition of a right to environment… but widespread acceptance of… 1. the exercise of human rights requires basic environmental health, and vice versa 2. human rights and environmental sustainability are inter- dependent, complementary and indivisible The right to “life and a right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being” – UDHR, 1948 The right to “the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health" through "the improvement of all aspects of environmental and industrial hygiene“ - ICCPR 19xx & ICESCR 19yy The right to “freedom, equality and adequate conditions of life, in an environment of a quality that permits a life of dignity and well being.” - Stockholm Declaration on Human Environment (principle 1) Linkages Human Rights Environment

9 Ecosystem Services Benefits people obtain from ecosystems: Provisioning services: products of ecosystems (fresh water) Regulating services: benefits from regulation of climate, water, some human diseases Cultural services : nonmaterial benefits (spiritual, recreational, aesthetic) Supporting services : for all other ecosystem services (production of oxygen, soil, habitat..)

10 Mainstreaming ES in UNDAF ≠ “one size fits all” Approach must be adapted to each country …

11 UNDAF Guidelines Mandatory Steps 1. Road Map 2. Country Analysis 3. Strategic planning (Results Matrix) 4. M&E

12 UNDAF Guidelines Mandatory Steps 1. Road Map 2. Country Analysis 3. Strategic planning (Results Matrix) 4. M&E

13 UNDAF Guidelines Mandatory Steps 1. Road Map 2. Country Analysis 3. Strategic planning (Results Matrix) 4. M&E

14 UNDAF Guidelines Mandatory Steps 1. Road Map 2. Country Analysis 3. Strategic planning (Results Matrix) 4. M&E

15 UNDAF Guidelines Mandatory Steps 1. Road Map 2. Country Analysis 3. Strategic planning (Results Matrix) 4. M&E

16 Sustainable Development Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. - The Brundtland Commission 1987

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