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Europeana and AccessIT Shkodra, Albania 26/27 June 2012 Rob Davies, MDR Partners, Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Europeana and AccessIT Shkodra, Albania 26/27 June 2012 Rob Davies, MDR Partners, Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Europeana and AccessIT Shkodra, Albania 26/27 June 2012 Rob Davies, MDR Partners, Coordinator

2 2005

3 “Digitisation and online accessibility are essential ways to highlight cultural and scientific heritage, to inspire the creation of new content and to encourage new online services to emerge. They help to democratise access and to develop the information society and the knowledge-based economy” -European Council of Ministers, Brussels 20 november 2008- 2008

4 Vision “ A digital library that is a single, direct and multilingual access point to the European cultural heritage.” European Parliament, 27 September 2007 “A unique resource for Europe's distributed cultural heritage… ensuring a common access to Europe's libraries, archives and museums.” Horst Forster, Director, Digital Content & Cognitive Systems Information Society Directorate, European Commission

5 Europeana Foundation New Chair: Bruno Racine, Director French National Library Board of participants from the professional heritage associations ACE: Association Cinémathèques Européennes CENL: Conference of European National Librarians CERL: Consortium of European Research Libraries EMF: European Museum Forum EURBICA: European Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives FIAT: International Federation of Television Archives IASA: International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives ICOM Europe: International Council of Museums, Europe LIBER: Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche MICHAEL: Multilingual Inventory of Cultural Heritage in Europe Europeana Network – six elected members


7 June 2013 26 million+ items 2000+ partner institutions 2011

8 “Eur 100 billion investment” “Meta data should be widely and freely available for re- use” “Public Domain material should be freely available for all” “Europeana should be widely promoted to end users” “there is a need for technical solutions for persistent identifiers”

9 Commission recommendation on digitisation and digital preservation, October 2011 Member States to make solid plans for investments in digitisation of cultural material and access via Europeana foster public-private partnerships to share gigantic cost ( estimated at 100 bn EUR) Make 30 million objects available through Europeana by 2015 including all Europe's masterpieces no longer protected by copyright + all material digitised with public funding More in-copyright material online creating legal framework conditions Reinforce strategies/legislation to ensure long-term preservation of digital material

10 Strategic Plan 2011-2015


12 Data Exchange Agreement


14 Recent Developments and Future Vision New services and functionalities in portal Funding battle Core funding of Europeana from 2014-2020 through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Rights labelling campaign User Generated Content 1914-18 and 1989 campaigns under Europeana Awareness More use - and re-use Not just a portal:‘put content where the users are’ (API) Creative industries, tourism, education, genealogy, fashion, researchers Cloud services and infrastructure More support for smaller institutions e.g. LoCloud

15 Metadata: mapping, harvesting and normalisation Europeana harvests and indexes descriptive metadata associated with digital objects OAI-PMH compliant repositories and aggregations No single universal cross-domain metadata standard Europeana Semantic Elements (ESE) developed for Europeana prototype, Nov 2008 Contributors map elements from their own metadata format to ESE Normalisation carried out on some values to enable machine readability.

16 Europeana Data Model (EDM) Starting point: ESE (Europeana Semantic Elements) lowest common denominator for object metadata forces interoperability flat model major drawback: richness of the original metadata is lost Goal is move to a model that allows more sophisticated representation of data EDM will preserve original data while still allowing for interoperability Semantic Web representation Semantic linking between objects (Linked Open Data – RDF/XML)

17 The general picture Networked objects Cultural artefact Painting Sculpture Buildling


19  Best Practice Network  Demonstrate contribution of cultural institutions at local and regional level Proof of Concept  Put in place infrastructure that will continue to increase the content available to Europeana OAI-PMH repositories Europeana compliant metadata Manageable number of aggregations  Enhance the skills, expertise and motivation required to support local institutions  Evidence through impact study Main Goals

20 Main phases (2008-11) Year 1 Preparation, planning, training Year 2 Training, implementation and content delivery (continuing into Year 3) Year 3 Dissemination at national and regional level National Awareness Raising Meetings in 27 countries

21 Content providers in 27 countries National aggregators of local/regional content where identifiable: national institutions, ministries, private etc A willing, innovative region or institution in other countries Contributed about 20% current total content in Europeana….by 2011! Over 5 million items Expansion of content providers (700+) throughout Europe Public libraries, museums, archives Progress in aggregation of local/regional content Job not yet complete: representation of most/all European localities an ultimate goal Most technical challenges resolved longer term systemic problems (finance, qualified staff availability, aggregation, skills) remain Main results

22 AccessIT AccessIT (Accelerate the circulation of culture through exchange of skills in information technology) Culture (2007-2013) Strand 1.2.1 (cooperation projects) 1 May 2009 – 30 April 2011 Partners MDR Partners (Coordinator) Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej Pan –PSNC (Poland) Veria Central Public Library (Greece) Belgrade City Library (Serbia) Turkish Librarians Association

23 Main goals Practical training and skills development, guidance Enable smaller, local cultural organizations to prepare and contribute digital content Establish/enhance training and competence structures in each country Improving content flow to Europeana Extend Europeana Local to countries not covered by IST- PSP

24 What skills are we talking about…so far? Good practice in digitisation and content creation Management of metadata and vocabularies (using Europeana standards) Collection development, description and management Selection and prioritization of digital content Infrastructures for enabling metadata harvesting (OAI- PMH) Management and expression of content rights Developing new services Handling user generated content

25 Why AccessITplus? What is Europe? Culture and history Limitations of geographical scope within IST-PSP Especially SouthEast Europe Culture 2007-13 Programme included Bosnia, Serbia and Turkey and Albania (as a ‘3 rd Country’) Implementation Partners Rijeka (Croatia) NULRS (BiH) Shkodra (Albania) – third country Tuzla (BiH) MDR, PSNC, Belgrade, Veria from AccessIT Skills agenda to enable participation: especially among smaller, local institutions

26 Key results of AccessIT(plus) Certificated online courses for professional enrolment in national languages Digital libraries: repositories or aggregations harvested by Europeana What can we find on Shkodra at


28 Thank you

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