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Biblical principles and actions to survive and thrive in the current financial climate – Part 4 Comunicación y Gerencia Errol & Gerri Vassell

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Presentation on theme: "Biblical principles and actions to survive and thrive in the current financial climate – Part 4 Comunicación y Gerencia Errol & Gerri Vassell"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biblical principles and actions to survive and thrive in the current financial climate – Part 4 Comunicación y Gerencia Errol & Gerri Vassell

2 Teaching Overview Orientation P urpose for our finances O bedience and our finances W isdom and our finances E ncouragement for our finances R estoration of our finances

3 Encouragement for Dealing with The “D” Word Comunicación y Gerencia

4 DEBT Subtly transfer wealth from the borrower to the lender which then leads to the borrower becoming bound to the lender until the debt is paid off

5 Objectives To understand the causes of debt To understand biblical principles for dealing with debt To make good financial decisions To thrive not just survive in the present economic crisis and beyond

6 Some Causes of Debt Unforeseen circumstances Ill health/long term disability Loss of income Lack of financial control (hole in the bucket) Impulsive spending habits

7 Some Causes of Debt Non giver Fraudulent activity/ banking errors Demonic interference

8 What does the bible say about debt? Comunicación y Gerencia

9 Group Exercise What scriptures / biblical stories, which clearly talks to us about debt are you familiar with? One example per group

10 Bible Teaching on Debt The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender (Pr 22:7) Owe no man anything, but to love one another (Rom 13:8) No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life (2 Tim 2:4)

11 Bible Teaching on Debt Count the cost (Luke 14:28) In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but the foolish man devours all he has (Pr 21:20) Contentment – (Heb 13:5)

12 Symptons of Debt problem Avoid discussing financial matters Compulsive spending Worry about bills Unsure how much you spend

13 Symptons of Debt problem Bills paid late Minimum payments on credit card bills Consolidate loans to pay off bills Paid today and run out of money before the end of the month

14 Effects of Debt Anxiety Sickness/insomnia Insolvency Repossession Divorce Spiritual decline Cannot leave inheritance Hopelessness

15 G et O ut O f D ebt C onfront O rganise finances D eal with it E limination/Education

16 Confront Pray seeking God’s direction ‘Ostrich syndrome’ - Face up to situation Open your mail Speak to creditors Look at spending pattern: –Bank/credit card statements –Mortgage statements –Till receipts/Utility Bills/etc

17 Organise Plan to reduce debt Self Set goals Seek godly counsel

18 Deal With It Bring order to disorder 10/10/80 rule (Tithe/savings/others) Budget Allow God to lead you to godly debt counsellors (Crown Financial) Good stewardship – know the state of your flock (Pr 27:23)

19 Eliminate Wasteful expenditure Review all credit cards Low interest rate Danger of minimum payments!!!! Plastic surgery

20 The Wealth Transfer Pr 13:22b “The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just” Correct positioningCorrect positioning Change way of thinkingChange way of thinking Identify gifting and use it (Pr 18:16)Identify gifting and use it (Pr 18:16) Comunicación y Gerencia

21 Salvation – it is easy and free! Romans 10 v 9 (Paraphased) Confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe God raised him from the dead, you are saved! Comunicación y Gerencia

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