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Etudes Pedagogy I Holly Bailey-Hofmann Tech Fair 2012 West Los Angeles College Sponsored by Title V.

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Presentation on theme: "Etudes Pedagogy I Holly Bailey-Hofmann Tech Fair 2012 West Los Angeles College Sponsored by Title V."— Presentation transcript:

1 Etudes Pedagogy I Holly Bailey-Hofmann Tech Fair 2012 West Los Angeles College Sponsored by Title V

2 Session Overview  Who We Are  Our Expectations  Advantages of Teaching Online  Important Considerations  Small Group Discussion  Holly’s experience

3 Who Are We? Brand-new online instructors (teaching first online class this semester, or have not yet taught online) Still-new online instructors (in first few semesters of teaching online)

4 Expectations  How will teaching online be the same as on campus ?  How will it be different?  How are you flexible, and how are you not flexible?

5 Online Advantages For Students  Self-motivated students thrive!  Shy students thrive!  Potentially more interaction with classmates For Instructors  Flexible teaching schedule  Flexible grading schedule  Organization Opportunity  “E” trail

6 Important Considerations  Discussion (Required? Optional?)  Weekly Quizzes (Required? Optional?)  Tests (Timed? Late completion?)  Assignments (Frequency)  CourseMap (To use it or not to use it)  Prerequisites (Pros and Cons)  Online Presence (Frequency, Duration)  Structure of Lecture / Lesson Content (Modules)

7 Discuss! 1. With your partner, discuss the pros and cons of: Required Weekly Discussion 2. With your partner, discuss the pros and cons of: Required Weekly Quizzes

8 3. With your partner, discuss the pros and cons of: Timed vs. Untimed Tests 4. With your partner, discuss the pros and cons of: Late Completion of Tests/Assignments 5. With your partner, discuss the pros and cons of: Prerequisites / CourseMap 6. With your partner, discuss how you structure your online lesson/lecture content (Modules)

9 Holly’s Experience  Discussion (Required.)  Weekly Quizzes (Required.)  Tests (Timed? No. Late completion? Yes.)  Assignments (Weekly)  CourseMap/ Prerequisites (Pros and Cons)  Online Presence (Frequency, Duration)  Structure of Lecture / Lesson Content (Modules)

10 Current Research “[A] study…observed 26 high-enrollment online courses at two community colleges in Virginia last spring. It found that most professors relied on text- based assignments and materials...when professors did decide to use interactive tools like online video, many of those technologies were not connected to learning objectives….” The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2012 suggests-many-professors-use-interactive-tools- ineffectively-in-online-courses/35677

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