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ANGUS HOUSING MARKET PARTNERSHIP Angus Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2012.

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2 ANGUS HOUSING MARKET PARTNERSHIP Angus Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2012

3 Innovation & Investment Fund 2011/12 - 1 51 units of social rented housing for Council delivery 72 units of social rented housing for RSL delivery 12 units of affordable housing for sale for Council delivery

4 Innovation & Investment Fund 2011/12 - 2 Angus has performed well in comparison with neighbouring Councils in terms of attracting funding for Council and RSL projects. Angus has performed less well in comparison with neighbouring Councils in terms of attracting Innovation funding.

5 Innovation & Investment Fund 2011/12 - 3 Nationally, a small number of Councils have attracted funding for delivery of greater numbers of new Council and RSL properties. At a national level, Angus has performed less well in terms of attracting Innovation funding.

6 Survive & Thrive 2011/12 - 1 Funding has been awarded for delivery of 77 units of affordable housing for sale and rent. Funding agreements with partners are currently being progressed. Delivery will be progressed in 2012/13.

7 Survive & Thrive 2011/12 - 2 Options for a second round of the Survive & Thrive initiative in 2012/13 are currently being considered, there are likely to be some improvements to the process.

8 Total programme from 2011/12 North Angus – 52 units East Angus – 110 units South Angus – 16 units West Angus – 34 units 212 units in total

9 Programme for 2012/13 and future years - 1 North Angus HMA: Planned and effective supply with planning permission of 80 units. Opportunities to deliver a mix of tenures.

10 Programme for 2012/13 and future years - 2 East Angus HMA: Planned and effective supply with planning permission of 29 units. Opportunities to deliver a mix of tenures.

11 Programme for 2012/13 and future years - 3 South Angus HMA: Planned and effective supply with planning permission of 7 units. Opportunities to deliver a mix of tenures.

12 Programme for 2012/13 and future years - 4 West Angus HMA: Planned and effective supply of affordable housing with planning permission of 43 units Opportunities to deliver a mix of tenures.

13 Programme for 2012/13 and future years - 5 The HNDA 2010 indicates we should be prioritising delivery in the South Angus and West Angus HMA’s. There are also requirements for ongoing investment in the North Angus and East Angus HMA’s. We will seek to balance this via the SHIP.

14 Programme for 2012/13 and future years - 6

15 Programme for 2012/13 and future years - 7 Some significant challenges remain: Constrained funding for delivery of new affordable housing. Balancing delivery costs and sustainability. Slow delivery of market housing. Wider economic issues.

16 Programme for 2012/13 and future years - 8

17 Programme for 2012/13 and future years - 9 The 2012 SHIP must be submitted to Scottish Government by 31 March 2012. SHIP is homologated by Angus Council Neighbourhood Services Committee. SHIP is reviewed by Scottish Government using criteria agreed with COSLA. Not a pass/fail process at present.

18 ANGUS HOUSING MARKET PARTNERSHIP Angus Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2012 ANY QUESTIONS?


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