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Good Reading Skills The Road to Success in Life An Everyday Necessity »What all have you read so far today? »What will you need to read throughout your.

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2 Good Reading Skills The Road to Success in Life

3 An Everyday Necessity »What all have you read so far today? »What will you need to read throughout your life?

4 Did You Know--Reading Makes You Smarter “Terrance Paul notes that: ‘The quantity of books available is the best single indicator of test score performance and success in schools, and is a better predictor than socioeconomic status or parent education.’” Kelly Gallagher, 2003 Reading Reasons: Motivational Mini- Lessons for Middle and High School. p. 26

5 Did You Know--Reading May Keep You Smart As You Age “A landmark study released in 2000 by the Alzheimer’s Association examined pairs of elderly twins in which one of the twins had dementia while the other one had remained healthy. The researchers found that low education was a significant risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and all other forms of dementia. Further analysis showed that twins who later became demented read fewer books, particularly as adults, compared to their nondemented siblings.”

6 Reading Prepares You for the World of Work “As recently as the 1950’s, twenty percent of the jobs in America were professional, twenty percent skilled, and sixty percent unskilled. In the 1990’s, twenty percent of the jobs remained professional, but skilled jobs rose to sixty- plus percent while unskilled jobs fell below twenty percent.” Richard Murnane & Frank Levy, 1996 Teaching the New Basic Skills: Principles for Educating Children to Thrive in a Changing Economy, p. vii

7 Reading Prepares You for the World of Work “No longer will today’s high school diploma lead to a job that will guarantee entry into middle class.” Richard Murnane & Frank Levy, 1996 Teaching the New Basic Skills: Principles for Educating Children to Thrive in a Changing Economy, p. vii

8 Career Cluster »Agriculture/Natural Resources »Architecture/Construction »Arts/AV Technology /Communication »Business and Administration »Education and Training »Health Science »Hospitality and Tourism »Human Services »Law and Public Safety »Manufacturing Lexile Text Measure 1270-1510 1210-1340 1100-1190 1210-1310 1320-1370 1260-1300 1230-1260 1050-1200 1420-1740 1200-1310 Text Measures of Entry-level Occupational Reading Material Willard R. Daggett, 2003

9 Grade Level »Grade 6 »Grade 7 »Grade 8 »Grade 9 »Grade 10 »11 and 12 Reading Level »665-1000 »735-1065 »805-1100 »855-1165 »905-1195 »940-1210 Lexile Measures of Readers Willard R. Daggett, 2003

10 Reading Well Is Financially Rewarding The average lifetime earnings for a student who does not finish high school is $936,000. The average lifetime earnings for a student who does finish high school is $1,216,000. Therefore, a high school diploma is worth $280,000.

11 Reading Well Is Financially Rewarding Four years of high school (assuming some time off for illness) amounts to 700 days of school. Therefore, students are “paid” $280,000 for 700 days of school. Therefore, students earn $400 per day.

12 Reading Well Is Financially Rewarding Therefore, students earn $100.00 to attend one class each day. (Students who finish college will earn a lot more per day than that.)

13 A National Problem »High School students are graduating without the level of reading skills required to succeed in everyday life »People in general are reading MUCH less than in the past--this leads to a deficit in their reading skills…which leads to a PROBLEM

14 Good Readers= Good Thinkers »If you can’t read well, you are also lacking critical thinking skills »Critical thinking skills are needed to make informed & wise decisions in ANY area of life

15 Improving Reading Takes PRACTICE »How much do you read? »When is the last time you read (on your own) an entire book? Short story? News article? »Even though you already know HOW to read, you still need to improve…like any skill, there are levels of proficiency (like sports) »My job is to CHALLENGE you….CONFUSION is where learning takes place

16 English Class= Your Time to Practice »While I cannot follow you home to make sure you’re reading, I will give you the time to read in class »Reading higher level texts takes focus and concentration--it is an interactive process, not something you sit and do passively

17 Reading Skills Mirror Writing Skills »Building your reading skills helps improve your writing skills, and vice versa »When you are a good reader, you can translate your point of view as a reader into your writing; and when you are a good writer, you can view what you are reading from the author’s perspective to enhance your understanding of a text

18 Reading Strategies=The Steps to Better Reading Skills »We will be focusing on several reading strategies that will help improve our reading skills »After using these strategies consistently, they will become automatic (just like tying your shoes…multiplication tables…etc.)

19 The Journey Begins! »Do you have any questions, comments, concerns about anything we’ve just discussed?? »Let’s get started practicing some reading strategies!

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