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Career-Technical Funding Raúl Soto Ph.D. Associate Director CTE.

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Presentation on theme: "Career-Technical Funding Raúl Soto Ph.D. Associate Director CTE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career-Technical Funding Raúl Soto Ph.D. Associate Director CTE

2 Describe: Funding for Career-Technical Education –Federal Carl D. Perkins Grant –State CTE funding Objectives

3 CTE’s Organization CTE Director Data Managers Associate Director Planning/Fiscal/ Compliance Associate Director Planning/Fiscal/ Compliance Associate Director Pathways Associate Director Pathways 4 Assistant Directors Ohio Means Jobs Field Services High Schools that Work GED Office

4 Administrative Field Services Mission Promote continues improvement through technical assistance, and assure compliance with state and federal regulations Facilitate access to fiscal resources

5 Federal Carl D. Perkins IV $ 42.7 million for FY15 Same as in FY14

6 Subhead text… Body text


8 Based on most current census data reports Local Population X 30% X Total Perkins Allocation State Population Plus Local Poverty X 70% X Total Perkins Allocation State Poverty = Total $$ Allocation Perkins Funding Formula:

9 Perkins Federal Funding Funding directly sent from the state to each CTPD LEAD SCHOOL DISTRICT CTPD Lead School District A CTPD Lead School District B Ohio Department of Education

10 Planning Funding Accountability Carl D. Perkins Grant

11 Goals Strategies Action Steps Fiscal CCIP FY09 FY13 FY10 FY11 FY12 Vision/Mission Needs Accountability Assurances Other Perkins IV Plan and CCIP One-Year Extension ended CCIP FY14 Five-Year State Plan

12 Perkins IV Plan and CCIP 2 nd -year Extension CCIP FY15 FY16 CCIP FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Possible New Perkins

13 June 1 Allocations Posted in CCIP

14 July 1 of each year Approval Process Begins

15 Uses of Perkins Funds Section 135 of the Act describes ; Requirements for uses of funds Permissive uses of funds “Necessary and Reasonable” Limited to Career-Technical activities 5% maximum for administration


17 Required and Permissive Uses of Perkins Funds Refer to GUIDANCE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH PERKINS REGULATIONS MEMO January 12, 2010 Perkins Administration and Leadership (Funds managed at state level)


19 “Supplement, not Supplant” Perkins funds may supplement, not supplant local funds. Refer to local legal and fiscal professionals before making final decision. Don’t wanna hear it.

20 Time and Effort Perkins $ recipients must keep records of time and effort devoted to Perkins required and permissive activities Records needed for auditing purposes

21 Perkins New Policy (Unspent $) December 1 deadline for having FERs approved by the office of Grants Mgt. CTPDs not meeting deadline will be excluded from Perkins reallocations $$

22 New for FY15 Perkins Paperless Monitoring

23 Other Federal fiscal regulations changing effective January 1, 2015 AFS Meeting at Delaware JVSD South Campus October 2, 2014 9:30am-12:30pm

24 CTE State Funding HB59

25 CTE State Funding Funding formula returns to formula similar to that used in FY09. *Opportunity grant using a per pupil amount of $5,745 in FY14 and $5,800 in FY15

26 CTE State Funding Supplemental CTE funding moves from: –Two to five categories –Weights to amounts Associated Services Lead district receives for each CTE FTE $225 in FY14 and $227 in FY15

27 5 Funding Categories

28 CategoryCareer Fields Amount 1 Agricultural and environmental systems, construction technologies, engineering & science technologies, finance, health science, information technology, manufacturing technologies $4,750 in FY14 $4,800 in FY15 2 Business and administration, hospitality & tourism, human services, law & public safety, transportation systems, arts and communications $4,500 in FY14 $4,550 in FY15

29 CategoryCareer FieldsAmount 3Career based intervention $1,650 in FY14 $1,660 in FY15 4 Education and training, marketing, workforce development academics, public administration, career development $1,400 in FY14 $1,410 in FY15 5 Family and consumer sciences (which includes students enrolled in GRADs) $1,200 in FY14 $1,210 in FY15

30 New Student Count FY14: ADM count taken during the first full week of October FY15: Annualized enrollment updated three times per year (October, March and June)

31 CTE State Funding State funding directly sent from the state to each School District School District A School District B Ohio Department of Education

32 School District State Funding Components

33 Components which continue to be funded Newly funded components Opportunity grantEconomically disadvantaged Supplemental special education Limited English proficient Supplemental CTE and associated services Guarantee

34 Guarantee and Cap Guarantee: 100% of FY13 overall state funding guaranteed in both fiscal years. Cap: 6.25% in FY14 10.5% in FY15

35 Application of Caps The caps apply first to: Opportunity Grant Economical Disadvantaged Funding Limited English Proficiency Funding And if necessary to: Additional Special Ed Funding Career Tech Education Funding Career Tech Associated Services Funding

36 CTE Funding Expenditures & Data Reporting 25% unrestricted (C-T salaries ok) 75% according to Auditor’s Bulletin 2000 -16

37 Conclusion Importance of: Understanding Carl D. Perkins required and permissive uses of funds Understanding State Auditor’s memo for allowable and unallowable uses of CTE state supplemental funds


39 Career-Technical Education Administrative Field Services 614-446-4835

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