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WELCOME Lynda Mitchell Deputy Commissioner -Education The Implementation of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Reforms - Engagement Event.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME Lynda Mitchell Deputy Commissioner -Education The Implementation of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Reforms - Engagement Event."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME Lynda Mitchell Deputy Commissioner -Education The Implementation of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Reforms - Engagement Event

2 Aim of today  To raise awareness of the National Context and legislative changes in relation to SEND  To hear the from the voice of families  To understand what the reforms mean to Staffordshire  To share national best practice examples  To start the journey of working together to shape the future of SEND in Staffordshire

3 THE CASE FOR CHANGE Julie Forrest-Davis County Commissioner –All Age Disability & SEND

4 The case for change Families have to battle on different fronts to get the support they need from separated education, health and social care services Current SEN Statements/Learning Difficulty Assessments do not focus on life outcomes. When a young person leaves school for further education, they enter a very different system which does not carry forward the rights and protections that exist in the SEN system in schools. Education providers sometimes focus too much on the SEN label rather than meeting the child’s needs; Children with SEN have their needs picked up much too late;

5 OVERVIEW OF THE NATIONAL CONTEXT Nichola Glover-Edge Strategic Transformation Lead SEND

6 The Children and Families Bill

7 Children & Families Bill Requires local authorities to publish in one place a clear and easy to understand ‘local offer’ of education, health and social care services. Requires local authorities to consult children, & young people with SEN and their parents in reviewing special education provision and social care provision.

8 Children & Families Bill Introduce a more streamlined assessment process for assessing the needs of those with more severe and complex needs, integrating education, health and care services. Replace statements and learning difficulty assessments with a single Education, Health & Care Plan. To implement a mediation service for parents and young people to resolve disagreements before they register a tribunal appeal.

9 Children & Families Bill Give parents and young people the right to a personal budget for their support. Give young people with SEN in further education and training aged 16-25 rights and protections comparable to those in school. Requires local authorities and local health services to plan and commission education, health and social care services jointly.

10 By When?

11 THE VOICE OF FAMILIES Sue Miller Parent Partner Co-Ordinator

12 The National Picture- Families response to the Green Paper Information and support Involvement in decision making Involvement in design of services To give their information only once For their children to be safe and happy For transition to adulthood to be successful

13 The National Picture The Draft Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice for 0-25…. What it says about how to engage with families …….. Pathfinders Findings

14 The Pathfinders Four Key Areas Engagement of individual children and young people Engagement of individual parents carers and families Strategic participation of parents and carers Strategic participation of disabled children and young people

15 Staffordshire so far SEN District Partnerships Parent representatives on strategic groups Involvement in commissioning of services Consultation around services Parent Participation Service (SPAN) Parent Partnership Service (SUN)

16 WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR SEND IN STAFFORDSHIRE ? Nichola Glover-Edge Strategic Transformation Lead – SEND

17 Our approach to the reforms Working in partnership with parents/carers, children and young people, Health, Social Care, Education and other providers. Learn from Pathfinders-build on best practice Follow Commissioning Framework SEND 5 year development plan

18 Our approach to the reforms Children, young people at the heart of our approach Embedding personalised culture across SCC and partner organisations A clear ambitious programme of transformational change

19 What do we want to achieve? Vision Staffordshire’s All Age Disability Strategy- ‘Living My Life, My Way-A Strategy for disabled people in Staffordshire (2013-18) “All children and young people with SEN and Disability receive the right support at the right time and in the right way so that they are able to realise their aspirations and lead fulfilling lives”

20 What do we want to achieve? Outcomes Empowered to live as independently as possible and live the life they choose; Learn, achieve and make progress commensurate with their potential; Be safe and secure Live and thrive wherever possible in their local community

21 What do we want to achieve? Focus on the child/young person not the service Think life not service, community not service, outcomes not services Think achievement, aspiration and independence not care and dependence Have ambition for our children and young people Ensure we all know what good looks like and can and do deliver personalised education, care & support

22 What do we want to achieve? Shared Information Joint Plan & decisions made with families Single Plan Integrated Delivery key working

23 Ultimately we want……..

24 BEST PRACTICE Nichola Glover-Edge Strategic Transformation Lead – SEND

25 The Pathfinders

26 The Pathfinders Testing Areas

27 The Pathfinders Evidence

28 YOUR VOICE David Braybrook Independent Educational Consultant (SEN & Disability)

29 What have we heard so far? o Due for a change o We do need to change o Change could provide a seamless process o Working together to achieve better outcomes o Current workforce is not cohesive-segmented into pockets

30 What have we heard so far? o Need to break down barriers to budget ownership o Need to collaborate and not fight o Need to foster independence o Currently not a structure that allows person centred working

31 Core principles CYP/family centred Keep what works Increase independence Build a greater flexibility in the system Principle of least intervention that is appropriate CYP thrive not cope Live and thrive in their local community where possible

32 Core principles Create greater coherence Partnership/cooperation/flexibility Ensure capacity Ensure progress of learners with SEND Improve professional communication and dialogue Ensure transparency Ensure robust systems of monitoring and accountability

33 Activity Each of you has had a pack of information given to you as you arrived We would like you to work through the 5 activities in small groups and record your discussions Each area for discussion and examples are from the pathfinder sites and we would like your views on the fit for Staffordshire

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