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Working with Crossover Youth Changing the dialogue to help youth thrive.

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Presentation on theme: "Working with Crossover Youth Changing the dialogue to help youth thrive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with Crossover Youth Changing the dialogue to help youth thrive

2 Currently there are many efforts to support youth who have been systems involved Examples Include: Opportunity Youth Fund Intervention for Youth/Young Adults with Child Welfare Involvement At-Risk of Homelessness Crossover Youth Practice Model System of Care The services from which young adults typically “age out” case management; supervised, supported, or group home settings; educational support; specialized vocational support, preparation, and counseling; preparation for independent living; and social skills training. Often youth who have been in foster care are forced to give up continuity of services, often having to change the staff they see or the programs they use, which can further exacerbate issues of depression and mistrust, and cause a lapse in services.

3 During this time, challenges include: Becoming an adult developmentally and legally; Transitioning from child services to adult services in the mental health systems; Replacing caseworkers, parents / guardian in making decisions; Completing high school; Moving from the juvenile justice and delinquency Achieving financial self-sufficiency; Switching to adult service systems for employment and education; and Understanding eligibility criteria for adult public assistance programs such as Supplemental Security Income, food assistance, housing assistance, and medical assistance.

4 What is the real story for Young Adults Housing Relationships Health CareEducationFinances Transportation ParentingEmployment “I am strong, distrustful, angry, smart, creative, and said what I thought I needed to say to survive. I was worthy of more than what I got, and the adults in my life should have taken the time to tell me that” − Foster youth comment from “Things People Never Told Me” For young adults that have been involved in systems of care they have an increased reliance/dependence on social supports and interventions. Additionally reduced access to education and employment options Nearly 22 million people in the U.S. (ages 18-31) are living with their parents.” (Pew Center Study)

5 Take A Minute To Reflect On All Of The Changes You Went Through From 16 – 26 Years. What would by your personal map of your systems involvement? What was your experience?

6 Starting a new dialogue on crossover youth Think how your map changes when you look at it from the vantage point seeing your transition age as a whole –It is a web of relationships rather than any particular piece. –Experiences are explored in the larger context of themes that are unfolding over time – It is understanding life is a web of interconnections that creates emerging patterns

7 Understanding Transition CHANGE THE CIRCUMSTANCES OUTSIDE OF US TRANSITIONS THE REORIENTATIN PROCESS INSIDE OF US RESONANCE THE PRIVATE MEANING THAT ECHOES FROM THE PAST Resistance People are said to resist change. But more often it is the transition that is resisted.

8 What’s the difference? As a Problem Solver Felt need Identification of problem Analysis of Causes Analysis of possible solutions Action planning Basic Assumption: A challenge is a problem to be solved As a Resource Appreciating and valuing the best of what is Envisioning what might be Dialoging on what should be Basic Assumption: A challenge is a mystery to be embraced

9 “My emotions sometimes control me, but it doesn’t mean I’m unable to learn or listen! When I am depressed or not feeling it, it is hard to get anything done. People don’t understand I need inspiration sometimes to get things done. When I feel good I get everything done. Sometimes it is all or nothing.” Making sure each young person has the support they need to grow and thrive

10 Psychosocial Development for Transition Aged Youth Developmental changes during this transitional time include: CognitiveSocialMoral Social- sexual Identity formation “ Young adults who are on their own often have difficulty negotiating the system without support and, consequently, may go without needed services and supports”

11 Key Features of Emerging Approaches for working with Transition Aged Youth with SMI or SED  Engage youth in their own futures planning process  Provide individualized, developmentally-appropriate and culturally responsive services and supports  Involve youth with their families and other key supports  Self-determination  Individualized school-to-career planning  Strengths-based approach  Unconditional care  Building family and community support  Wraparound  Systemic support and consultation

12 Tips for Partnering with Youth and Young Adults View youth and young adults as strong and capable Engage young people as partners in planning, using and giving feedback on services Assist young people in making thoughtful choice and follow through Assist young people in taking responsibility, taking positive risk Be optimistic, show empathy and build trusting relationships

13 Tips for Service Providers Promote transformation Support empowerme nt and effective self advocacy Build partnerships and collaborate to bridge service gaps Provide individualized, developmenta lly appropriate services Meet needs in key areas - Learning, Working, Leading Connecting, Thriving

14 Kippi Clausen 303-521-8968

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