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Seattle Public School ELL Data Veronica Maria Gallardo, Director of ELL 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Seattle Public School ELL Data Veronica Maria Gallardo, Director of ELL 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seattle Public School ELL Data Veronica Maria Gallardo, Director of ELL 1

2 English Language Learners and International Programs Creating partnerships and pathways to ensure student success Mission: The English Language Learners and International Programs Department works collaboratively with all stakeholders to educate, prepare, and support our diverse student population, their families, and communities to thrive in our global society. Primary Stakeholder: Ell students, staff and community members

3 ELL Demographics Data 2012-2013 3

4 4

5 5 English Language Learners as a Percent of All Students by Grade Based on 2012-2013 SY

6 6 Top Languages Spoken in Seattle School District 2012-2013

7 7

8 ELLs Demographic Data Not Captured 8  Current data collection does not include:  Student’s level of education in native country  Student’s native language proficiency  Student’s proficiency in content areas such as math  Student with interrupted formal education (SIFE)  Social, emotional, and health needs of students

9 ELL/Special Education Intervention Kent School District - Matrix 9

10 ELLs Receiving Special Education Services 10

11 ELL/Special Identification Process 11 Critical data required for ELL students of concern Identification tool provided by the Kent School District  Meant to be a team process of identification  Requires various forms of data collection  Special considerations for certain questions – red flags

12 ELL/Special Ed. Data Collection Process 12  Students Primary Language – transparent or non transparent  Other languages spoken  Multiple languages spoken in the home  Expected years of education in the primary language  Parental education in primary language  Does the student read in their primary language  Years learning English  Attendance history

13 ELL Data Collection Process 13  Approach to ELL services – direct service, pull out, no service  Rate of growth on WELPA  Intervention description  Expectations in classroom  Classroom observations  Comparison student data  Parent interview  Developmental history * Kent School District Tool

14 14 -Kent School District FACTORS12345678910111213141516 Data supports referral Between Neutral and Supports Referral Neutral Between Neutral and More Interventions Data supports more intervention(s) 12345678910111213141516 Red Flag Areas Directions 1.Complete the matrix by placing the marks into the appropriate squares as the discussion occurs. 2.As the team discusses each of the 16 points of data, they need to place a check mark into the appropriate section of the matrix (e.g., if for factor one the team determined the data supports more intervention(s), place a check mark into the corresponding square). 3.Then, analyze the matrix as a whole. That is, do the majority of the check marks appear to be above or below the neutral line (above supporting a referral and below supporting more intervention(s)). If it is unclear, discuss the red flag items and use them as a “tie” breaker. ELL/Special Education Analysis Matrix

15 World Language Credit for Proficiency Road Map Project

16 World Language Proficiency Credits 16 Students with proficiency in a language other than English can earn world language credits by demonstrating proficiency in that language. Students who demonstrate proficiency through the assessment process may be able to receive competency-based credits on their transcript.

17 World Language –Credit for Proficiency 17 State Board of Education Support for Competency-based Learning  Including a competency-based definition of a high school credit in WAC 180-51-050  Advocacy for state performance assessments  Advocacy for course-equivalency credit

18 Benefits 18  To honor and validate students’ first language and the languages of their families  To provide opportunities for fluent and literate speakers to receive high school credit for their knowledge of these languages  To open up opportunities for students to access core subject credits required for graduation (This is a significant opportunity for ELL students who enter the U.S. high school system mid-year or with limited core subject credits.)

19 Benefits continued 19  To prepare bilingual students for future career opportunities in private industry and to meet government needs for skilled bilingual speakers  To motivate students to take advanced courses in their heritage languages at their schools, in college or at ethnic community centers

20 Competency (Proficiency)-based Credit: Good Idea, Hard to Implement 20 Requires: –What do students need to know? –What do students need to do? –How will students show what they know? –How well do students need to perform?

21 Student Self-Assessment & Portfolio 21 LinguaFolio (and LinguaFolio Online) – Checklists of CanDo statements at different proficiency levels (aligned to STAMP and ACTFL levels) Use to screen students – Should be able to check off Novice Mid CanDos before taking external assessment Use to support Less Commonly Taught Languages with Collection of Evidence For example: Tigrigna, Oromo, Polish

22 Assessments Used 22 STAMP – Standards-Based Measurement of Proficiency from Avant Assessment  – Developed by CASLS (Center for Applied Second Language Studies) at the University of Oregon  – Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, and now: Arabic ACTFL Assessments from Language Testing International  – OPI (or OPIc) - Oral Proficiency Interview (computer-based)  – WPT - Writing Proficiency Test

23 Determining Competency and Credits 23  Novice Mid – 1 credit (Carnegie Unit)  Novice High – 2 credits  Intermediate Low – 3 credits  Intermediate Mid – 4 credits

24 Website for Washington State 24 The Seattle School Board adopted its Competency-Based Credits policy and procedure in March 2011. During 2011- 2012, Seattle Public Schools is partnering with the OSPI World Languages program to support students in Seattle Public Schools, especially students who are served by Seattle’s English Language Learners (ELL) and International Education Programs, to earn competency- based credits for languages that they may have learned outside the school setting. We have over 300 students who have earned 3 to 4 credits.Competency-Based Credits policyprocedureEnglish Language Learners (ELL) and International Education Programs Credits.aspx

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