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Unit 8: Celebrations. / fl / / fr / / θr / / ‘flai / fly / fl /

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8: Celebrations. / fl / / fr / / θr / / ‘flai / fly / fl /"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 8: Celebrations

2 / fl / / fr / / θr /

3 / ‘flai / fly / fl /

4 / ‘flau ə / flower / fl / / ‘koliflau ə / cauliflower

5 / ‘flu: / flu / fl /

6 / ‘frai / fried fish / fr / fry

7 / ‘frouzn / frozen foods / fr / frozen

8 / fr / / fru:t / fruit

9 / ‘θraiv / thrive / θr /

10 / ‘θru: / through / θr /

11 / θri: // θrou / throw three

12 fly flower flu overflow fry frozen fruit afraid thrive threaten through overthrow / θr / / fr // fl /

13 More practice A: Don’t throw these little flags onto the floor, Fred. B: Oh, I’m sorry, Florrie. I’ll pick them up. A: That’s all right, Fred. And are you hungry? Dinner’s ready. B: Oh, good! What shall we have for dinner today, Florrie? A: Don’t throw these little flags onto the floor, Fred. B: Oh, I’m sorry, Florrie. I’ll pick them up. A: That’s all right, Fred. And are you hungry? Dinner’s ready. B: Oh, good! What shall we have for dinner today, Florrie?

14 A: We’ll have three dishes: French fries, fried fish and cauliflower. B: Good! I like all three of them. What about dessert? A: I’ve made a fruit cake. But first, have some fruit juice. It’s good for your throat and keeps away the flu. B: Thanks, Florrie. A: We’ll have three dishes: French fries, fried fish and cauliflower. B: Good! I like all three of them. What about dessert? A: I’ve made a fruit cake. But first, have some fruit juice. It’s good for your throat and keeps away the flu. B: Thanks, Florrie.


16 Someone Everyone Noone Anyone

17 1. No one lives in the house 2. Everyone is on the boat.

18 Someone Everyone No one Anyone V+ (singular)

19 1.He left the house 2 years ago, _________ ? 2. No one lives in the house,________ ? didn’t he V2V2 S do they SV1V1 does he (she)

20 Someone Everyone No one Anyone They=

21 1.Jack didn’t come to the class for three days, and _________ knows where he is because he didn’t leave a message. (everyone / no one / someone) 2. I invited everybody in our class to the party, but ________ didn’t come. (he / she / they / them / him / her) 3. This morning, when I was working, I saw ___________ strange entering your room. (everyone / noone / someone) Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences

22 1.Jack didn’t come to the class for three days, and no one knows where he is. 2. I invited everybody in our class to the party, but they didn’t come. 3. This morning, when I was working, I saw someone strange entering your room. V Adj S

23 Someone Everyone Noone Anyone Adj.+

24 One - ones

25 There are 3 cars in the garage. I like the blue car.  There are 3 cars in the garage. I like the blue one.

26 Although Shark pens and Swanky pens are good, I prefer Swanky pens. ones Swanky pens Shark pens

27 Pronoun:“one / ones” 2. Although Shark pens and Swanky pens are good, I prefer Swanky pens. ones 1. There are three cars in the garage. I like the blue car. one

28 Complete the sentences with someone, anyone, no one, everyone 1.There’s _________ waiting for the director in the office. 2. Don’t tell __________ my secret. 3. _________ laughs at him because of his stupid question. 4. Did __________ call me last night? 5. _________ likes her story. 6. Have you met ________ like him? someone anyone Everyone anyone No one anyone

29 - I don’t like the red shirt; I prefer the blue shirt. - Don’t buy the sour oranges. Buy the sweet oranges. - Of the three bags, I like the blue bag. - Mai is making a fruit cake. Lan is making cake, too. - I like reading books, especially the books about the natural world. - He let me choose a pencil, and I took the red pencil. - We told each other both happy stories and sad stories about our lives. ONE or ONES blue one sweet ones blue one one ones red one sad ones

30 HOMEWORK Remember to do your homework! 1.Do exercises 1, 2, 3 in your textbook on pages 98, 99. 2. Prepare the next lesson.

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