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Respect – Friendship - Excellence Preparing young people for the future by providing a sustainable Outstanding educational experience where all students.

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Presentation on theme: "Respect – Friendship - Excellence Preparing young people for the future by providing a sustainable Outstanding educational experience where all students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respect – Friendship - Excellence Preparing young people for the future by providing a sustainable Outstanding educational experience where all students realise, pursue and achieve their full potential, enabling them to thrive as adults. Academy Self Evaluation and Improvement Plan 2012-2014

2 Achievement (VP) Teaching and Learning (VP) Behaviour and Safety (P) Leadership and Management (P) AIM: All young people will enjoy on-going interaction with adults who are committed and dedicated to the fulfilment of the academy vision and aims through personalised and targeted support and training. AIM: All young people will feel safe and supported through an ethos of Respect, Friendship and Excellence and through effective systems of intervention and prevention. AIM: All young people will experience consistently Good and Outstanding learning experiences through high standards of preparation, purposeful feedback and positive relationships. AIM: All young people will realise, pursue and achieve their potential, regardless of their starting point and background, beyond expectations. Aims and Accountability

3 Adam Williams (P) and Chris Hall (VP) English Maths MFL Music and Drama Art History, RE and Geography PSHE, PLTS and COPE PE Science Art and D+T ICT Bus St Leila Pickering (Respect) Lee Bailey (Friendship) Simon Scarborough (Excellence) Sara WallinMark GunningSteve Hewett Community Leaders Programme Leaders SENCO – Rachel Warrington Overall Effectiveness AIM: All young people will enjoy a stimulating and meaningful learning experience in an environment which has received purpose and investment, inspiring commitment and belonging. ‘It is well understood what it takes for a school to become good. There is no need for any child to attend a school that falls short of this’. (OFSTED 11/12 Annual Report)

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