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Presented by: Mike Miller and Paula Hamilton Brown∙Miller Communications March 20, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Mike Miller and Paula Hamilton Brown∙Miller Communications March 20, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Mike Miller and Paula Hamilton Brown∙Miller Communications March 20, 2013

2 Parent Doctor/Dentist Youth Ethnic, Health or Community Advocate Merchant Minister/Pastor Teacher Community Leader Business Leader A local, unfunded individual with passionate interest in improving their neighborhood or their community’s health

3 Overwhelming Limited Attention Success: –Local –Personal –Authentic –Focused


5 Respected Reliable Fact-Based Full of Integrity

6 Communications Limitations Speaking Restrictions Limited Flexibility Restrictions on Recommendations Outsider’s Perspective

7 Authentic Unfiltered Real Sustainable Solutions- Oriented

8 Facts Data Research Findings Stories Personal Perspectives Recommendations

9 Partner with the Community LHD Role: Recruit Educate Support Empower

10 Spokespersons = allies not tools Initially uncomfortable Outcome: –Power –Impact –Flexibility –Sustainability

11 Successful Examples

12 Empowering Passions: –Safer, healthier communities –Better places for children –Opportunities –Leadership


14 When to Pass the Baton LHD = data, research, facts Community Spokesperson = stories and recommendations

15 Meetings Hearings Presentations Neighborhood Associations Funding Organizations

16 In-person training and skill development (March 27 and April 16) Recruitment Train the trainer opportunities Watch Champions grow!

17 Identify 2 potential community spokespersons: –What is their issue? –What motivates them?

18 CX3 and RYD Webinars Media Relations and Messaging Webinars Communications Resource Library spx Network Public Relations Support Becky Larson, 916-449-5297, Kathryn Gardella, 916-322-2034, Additional Resources

19 Contacts: Communities of Excellence (CX3): Lynn Fuhrman, (916) 552-9862, Rethink Your Drink: Suzanne Morikawa, (916) 449-5420, Brown∙Miller Communications: Paula Hamilton, (925) 370-9777, For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663. Funded by USDA SNAP-Ed, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips. California Department of Public Health

20 Questions?

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