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Jeudi le 1 mai 2014. Le 28 avril-le 2 mai 2014 LUNDI MARDIMERCREDIJEUDIVENDREDI F 1 DUE NOW: Notes from Fri. & Subjects/verbs worksheet pg. 1 & 2 from.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeudi le 1 mai 2014. Le 28 avril-le 2 mai 2014 LUNDI MARDIMERCREDIJEUDIVENDREDI F 1 DUE NOW: Notes from Fri. & Subjects/verbs worksheet pg. 1 & 2 from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeudi le 1 mai 2014

2 Le 28 avril-le 2 mai 2014 LUNDI MARDIMERCREDIJEUDIVENDREDI F 1 DUE NOW: Notes from Fri. & Subjects/verbs worksheet pg. 1 & 2 from Friday for 100! Borrowed words “F” handwrittenpart of speech & definition aredue Over SONG with partner-15 min. Oral practice with lessons 13, 14 if time. Or begin H/W. Finish your Verb pages 3 & 4! ( & 2 late in class today and/or tomorrow for 50). 2. Notes 218, 219 3. 5 FF due May 12 th for 105! F 1 Due: Notes 218, 219 for 100 & verb pages Over Song New notes: 220 (2F), 221 New verb pages-irreg. H/W: Finish up, do Bor. Words & practice song F 1 SONG ORAL GRADE Notes 218, 219 for 50 Notes 220, 221- for 100 Verb pages for 100 Borrowed words “F” due for 100 F 1 Bor. Words due for 50 SONG ORAL GRADE Notes 220-221 for 50 Finish verb pages New notes: pg. 229, 230 X 2 F 1 Finish any SONGs up Notes 229, 230 for 100 New notes: 231, 232, 233 ER verb quiz next week- keep all notes! F 2 DUE: ONLY if ABSENT THURS/FRI: Late notes in pgs. 212,213, 219 DUE NOW for 100-Friday’s Sub work: Pg. 209 do- ex. 1, 2, 3 in complete sentences-100%. DUE NOW for 100-Friday’s “Subjects & verbs” “ worksheet-(was due by end of class Friday for 105%). Tear off page 1- 2 & give to the SUB, but keep the rest. Pick your groups/jobs for verb board games Practice grocery shopping skit! New VERB avoir page? Finish any SONG oral grades Notes 228, 244 F 2 Sub work for 50, Mock Oral grade Do: P/C pages Make sure you know who’s doing what for board game. Due May 12 H/W: Notes: 238, 239 & prac. & verbchart F 2 ORAL GRADE: SKIT Turn in notebook Finish P/C verb chart F 2 Verbchart for 100 Finish ORAL SKITS F 2 Verbchart for 50 Balance of Skits New: notes on BB- reflexives See DVD of unit & SAM F 2 PreAP Same as above, but borrowed words “L” due Wed. F 2 PreAP Same, except for bor. words F 2 PreAP Borrowed words “L” due F 2 PreAP Same as above Start notes imperfect F 2 PreAP Same as above New: Reflexives F 3 Due: Notes, book work & F/Cond worksheet-100 Over 5 phrases Prac poem, finish skits Flashcards unit 5 next Thurs. for 105 online H/W: notes 230, 231 & object pg 171 & study 5 phrases & poem F 3 Due; Fri work for 50, Notes for 100, Obj. page 1 for 100 Projects out Review phrases-old Oral QUIZ of last weeks 5 A ** phrases & then start Poem oral grade*** H/W: notes 234, 236 & Obj. page 173 F 3 Notes: new phrases Due; Mon. notes-& obj. page-50 Obj. page 173 for 100 Tues. notes-100 Poem oral grade-finish*** NEW 5 phrases Review unit 5 words Project-pick monuments, plan song Notes: 240, 242, 244 & study F 3 Object page 173 for 50 Finish up any poems oral grades Present La Poesie or FT H/W: Work on Paris or song & study 5 vocab for quiz. F 3 QUIZ-unit 5 vocab Finish presenting La Poesie & FT H/W: Work on projects due May 12 th for 105.

3 F 3 A. DÛ- 1. la pages des pronoms-50% et 2. Les notes pg. 230-231 & 234, 236 3. Le poème- 5 fois-100% B. FINISSEZ LA NOTE ORALE (Les 2 poèmes) & copiez les 5 phrases* C. LES PROJETS: 1. La chanson F_3_Song_project_SPECS.docxF_3_Song_project_SPECS.docx 2. PARIS-photostory F 3 PARIS MONUMENT PROJECT.docxF 3 PARIS MONUMENT PROJECT.docx 3. Le SKETCH-”Le Voyage” F 3 SKETCH a PARIS.docxF 3 SKETCH a PARIS.docx COMMENCEZ: les notes 240, 242, 244 & ETUDIEZ le vocabulaire 5 (190-191, 196, 97, 98) L’INTERRO DEMAIN!!! ET Faites les cartes du vocabulaire sur BB-le 14 mai.

4 F 3--5 expressions 1.Tu me manques! I miss you! 2.Ne t’inquiète pas! Don’t worry! 3.Ça me plaît! That pleases me! 4.Je n’ai aucune idée! I have no idea! 5.De rien, Il n’y a pas de quoi, Je vous en prie (it’s nothing, at your service===you’re welcome)

5 F 3 EOC work Mon. pg. 193 ex. 1, 2 & APT pgs. 87, 88 work on your projects (flashcards/song/skit translation/Paris photostory) Tues. pg. 202 ex. 1 & 3 & pg. 205 ex. 7 & 8, & APT pgs. 90, 91 & work on your projects Wed. Pg. 206 ex. 10, 207 ex. 12 & APT pgs. 97, 98, 103, 104 & work on your projects

6 F 2 1.Notes-PreAP: l_imparfait.pptl_imparfait.ppt 2.DUE: Verbcharts for 100, borrowed words “L” for 50% (R=can have rest of class to finish-due at bell) 3.SKITS-group A today, group B tomorrow! ACT IT UP! BE UNDERSTANDABLE & LOUD! Demain: Verbcharts for 50% Finish up skits Start on Reflexive verbs!!!

7 F 2 EOC work Mon: pg. 229 ex. 1 & 2, and work on your board game project Tues. pg. 238 ex. 1, 2 & 3, and work on your project Wed. pg. 244 ex. 11, 12, 13, 14 & work on your project

8 F 1 J’ai sommeil-I’m sleepy J’ai raison-I’m right 1.Pull up 5 FF and write on paper going around. Should have 1 writer, 1 leader, 1 artist & 2 fun ones. 2.DUE: Borrowed words “F” For 50%, NOTES 218, 219, 220, 221-100% still, Verb pages 1-4 for 100. 3.In class: song oral grade 4.Finish up verb packet as rest sing song! 5.H/W: Finish all –all notes have been moved to EOC days along with book work! So take your notebook home tomorrow! Fri: Presentations after songs!!!

9 French 1 EOC F 1: Monday-Notes 223, 228 textbook do: pg. 196, ex. 1, pg. 198 ex. 4 F 1: Tuesday-New notes: pg. 229, 230 X 2 Textbook do: pg. 201 ex. 6 & 8, pg. 209 ex. 6 F 1 Wednesday: New notes: 231, 232, 233, book work: pg. 210 ex. 7 & 8, pg. 212 ex. 10 Work on 5 famous Frenchmen Project all week also! Due Mon. May 12 th for 105!

10 TBA ----- Le 5-8 mai 2014 F 1 STARR Book work & APT W/B F 1 STARR F 1 STARR F 1 Review APT pages Workbook pages F 1 5 FF due Mon. F 2 STARR Book work & APT/WB F 2 STARR F 2 STARR F 2 DOP notes F 2 DOP review Board games due Mon. F 2 PreAP STARR Book work & APT/WB F 2 PreAP STARR F 2 PreAP STARR F 2 PreAP Review reflexives DOP notes F 2 PreAP DOP review Board games due Mon. F 3 STARR Book work-unit 5 Study 5 phrases A WORK ON SONG & PARIS PHOTO STORY-due next Mon. F 3 STARR Book work unit 6 Study phrases SONG/PARIS- WORK! F 3 STARR Book: La musique 176-82 SONG/PARIS- WORK! F 3 DUE: 3 days of STARR translations/work Review unit 6 words Start La Parure in class- groups of 6. Over 5 phrases F 3 Oral quiz 5 phrases B** from last week & Quiz unit 6 vocab** (may move) Rest: La Parure-try to finish up. Paris photostory due Mon.

11 FIN en.html en.html Paris all around! Coming to Paris soon: the-future-12-projects-to-look-out-for the-future-12-projects-to-look-out-for

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